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Because there's nothing to stop it. Newton's 1st law of motion states that an object at rest will stay at rest, and a moving object will continue to move at the same velocity, unless a force acts upon it. A moving car stops when it loses power because of friction between the tires and the road acting upon it, a thrown ball loses forward velocity and gains downward velocity because of gravity acting up on it; nothing stops moving, or moves slower, unless an outside force causes it to do so.

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Q: Why does an object in deep outer space carry on moving at the same steady speed even if there are no forces acting on it?
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What is an object that continues to move at a constant speed without a force?

An object moving at a constant speed without a force acting on it experiences no acceleration or external influence to change its motion. In the absence of forces like friction or gravity, an object can continue moving at a steady pace indefinitely.

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A moving object with no force acting on it will keep a steady speed due to Newton's first law of motion, which states that an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

If a car is moving at a steady speed of 50 mph what forces will be acting on it?

When a car is moving at a steady speed of 50 mph, the main forces acting on it are the force of friction between the tires and the road (rolling resistance), air resistance, and the force from the engine propelling the car forward. Additionally, there may be gravitational forces acting on the car depending on the incline or decline of the road.

What makes a rocket reach a steady speed?

When all the forces acting on it are equal, just like any object.

What effect the movement of an object at a steady speed?

When an object is moving at a steady speed, it experiences no acceleration, meaning that the net force acting on it is zero. This means that the object will continue to move in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.

How can an object be motionless and in equilibruim?

an object that is not moving can be in equilibrum. an object moving at a steady speed in a straight line can also be equilibrum.

What is it when you add two forces acting on an object?

When you add two forces acting on an object, the resulting force is the vector sum of the individual forces. This is known as the principle of superposition. The direction and magnitude of the resulting force depend on the directions and magnitudes of the individual forces.

When forces are balanced what type of motion results?

When forces are balanced, the object remains in a state of rest or continues moving at a constant velocity, also known as uniform motion.

When is a body in equilibrium?

A body is in equilibrium when the net force acting on it is zero, meaning all external forces are balanced and there is no acceleration. This can occur when the body is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity in a straight line.

Forces on steady speed on plane?

When a plane is flying at a steady speed, the forces acting on it are balanced. The main forces involved are thrust (from the engines), drag (air resistance), lift (from the wings), and weight (gravity pulling the plane down). These forces work together to keep the plane moving at a constant speed and altitude.

What describes an object with constant velocity?

Constant speed, moving in a straight line, zero acceleration, zero net force acting on it.

How does unbalanced forces affect both moving and non moving objects?

Unbalanced forces cause moving objects to accelerate in the direction of the greater force, either speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction. For non-moving objects, unbalanced forces will cause the object to start moving in the direction of the greater force, overcoming inertia.