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Q: Why does Thomas Paine think that association with Britain hurts American trade?
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What writing by Thomas Paine convinced thousands of American colonist to separate from Britain?

Common Sense was the writing where Thomas Paine convinced thousands of American colonists to separate from Britain.

What did Thomas Paine's Common sense advocate?

Thomas Paine was an English-American political activist and author. Born in 1737. Paine's pamphlet, "Common Sense", advocated American Independence from the King of England and Great Britain.

What did Thomas Paine predict would happen if Americans gave up their struggle for independence?

Paine predicts that Britain will tax the Americans heavily and what Thomas Paine also states; "to BIND us [American colonists] in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER."Britain has a large lack in respect towards America and Paine believes that some Americans do not see the evil in Britain and have hopes that the enemy (Britain) will be merciful.

What panhlet did thomas Paine argue that was wrong for the Britain to control the American colonies?

Common Sense

Who wrote common sense a pamphlet that convinced many Americans that complete break with Britain was necessary?

Thomas Paine.

What did Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' convince colonists to do?

Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense that Americans should separate from Great Britain.

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Locke, Rousseau, and Paine influenced the American Revolution significantly, if that helps at all...

What did Thomas Paine do to interest the colonist?

He published "Common Sense" in 1776. It was the first pamphlet to advocate for American Independence from Britain.

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Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense

What did thomas pains common sense?

Thomas Paine's Common Sense criticized monarchies and convinced many American colonists of the need to break away from Britain.

Who was the author of the pamphlet encouraging Americans to declare independence from Britain?

Thomas Paine. The name of the pamphlet was "Common Sense."