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He thought that with the Catholic church on his side, he would be able to do anything. His purpose for invading England was to return the country to the Catholic faith.

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Q: Why does Philip II think he can invade England?
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What important event happened in 1588 and who was the ruler at that time?

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No. Spain never invade any part of Ireland.The Spanish Armada in Ireland refers to the landfall made upon the coast of Ireland in September 1588 of a large portion of the 130-strong fleet sent by Philip II to invade England.

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Yes, during his marriage to Queen Mary I he was indeed king of England. He was also King of Spain, and in 1588 he sent the Spanish Armada to invade England but was defeated by the English Navy.

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Philip ii of Spain, proposed to Elizabeth i to try to turn England catholic, who was protestant at the time. Elizabeth however declined and remarked that she was married to England, and died a spinster her entire life. Philip however, got mad so decided to invade England with his Armada, which was torn to peices by Sir Francis Drake, and his ship 'The Golden Hind'

Where did Phillip II send the Spanish armada?

England to invade the country.

Who sent the invasion on England 1588?

King Philip II

Which king ordered the armada against England?

Philip II of Spain

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King Philip the Second (II)