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Q: Why does Lizabeth become upset in the middle of the night?
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I think Stacy was upset because of what happened earlier

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The sun does not shine in the night. The full moon reflects sunlight to the Earth at night.

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George was upset about his bunk because it was lumpy and uncomfortable. He felt like he couldn't get a good night's sleep on it.

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it means become upset over something. become sad.

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he tried to kiss her

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Horses are herd bound and very social animals. If they are not used to it they will certainly become upset if they are taken from the herd.

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people get upset based upon your actions. for instance when your sad other people become sad. i base my answer upon my own experience

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yes because some horses have other horses to depend on and if they are separated they can become upset or depressed and then they wont want to do what you want to do

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It's right if it's right for you. However, if you're married and you act on your urges, you wife may become upset ... very upset.

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Miss Rachel was shocked and horrified by the events of the previous night. She was deeply upset and struggling to come to terms with what had happened.

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well it might be the food you ate before it might have upset your tummy.

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Some archaeologists may become very upset.