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The way this question is phrased, it would seem that Israelis take some kind of perverse pleasure in seeing Gazans starve. Israelis take no joy in this. To them, the Blockade on Gaza is an issue of security. Israelis believe, like most people, that they have the right to live in their country without fear of being attacked by rockets overhead. Unfortunately, the Hamas government in Gaza actively condones this violent activity. Even with the blockade a small number of rockets still arrive daily and used against Israeli citizens.

The Israeli government also sends in supervised shipments of food and electricity to Gaza precisely to prevent the absolute starvation of Gazans. However, providing the Gazan people with excess materials or loosening the blockade has been shown in the past to strengthen the militant activities of Hamas and allow for greater acquisition of smuggled weapons. The only position that Israel has is to contain the situation and hope for change.

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Q: Why does Israel want to make life hard for Gaza?
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What is the Gaza Strip conflict about?

Palestinian AnswerZionists invaded Palestine and changed the name to "Israel". Many Palestinians were forced from their homes into concentration camps, such as Gaza.Israeli AnswerHamas, the ruling power in Gaza, has presented no terms an no way to negotiate for a two-state solution. Naturally, Israel, as any state would, is trying to make sure that Hamas does not ever have the capability to destroy the State of Israel. Israel is doing this on multiple levels, including blockading the region, using targeted airstrikes to remove the Hamas leadership, and on occasion, invading the region militarily. For people like the above Palestinian, the notion that the Zionists may have some rights to a State is completely out of the question, therefore it is impossible for them to arrive at a peaceful negotiated solution. If you note the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, while it is certainly not peaceful, those Palestinians have much more ability to be productive and develop internal infrastructure because they have not rejected Israel so vehemently.

How long did the Israelis have control over Gaza?

Israelis took control over Gaza in the 1967 Six Day War after defeating the Egyptian Army. In 2005 the Israelis left the Gaza strip according the disengagement plan. Israeli warships have placed a blockade along Gaza's coast. Even unarmed fishing boats may be detained. But the Israelis kept control of Gaza by cutting it off from the outside world. It was like a blockade or siege. Without enough oil, electricity, food and medical supplies, many inmates of this concentration camp sickened and had to be taken to Israeli hospitals for treatment, especially the children. Foreign activists have tried to sail Peace Boats to Gaza, carrying medical supplies and intent on breking the blockade by force if necessary. They have been boarded by Israel's navy, and had to fight with the heavy weapons they carried. That was in 2009. Since then, the inhabitants of this concentration camp must make do with the oil, electricity, food, and medical supplies that come from Israel, and the luxury goods and construction materials allowed through the blockade. The weapons industry in Gaza is particularly handicapped by the brutal blockade, and innocent Gazans must get along on the trickle of weapons and rocket-building material that pours in through the tunnels from the Sinai.

What was life like in 1949?

WWII was over, the Baby Boom had started, people were working hard to make a better life, women were beginning to enter the post war work force, NATO was established, Israel was a new country, sitcoms were becoming popular TV fare, the first VW Beetle was sold in America, the Emmy Awards began, and Harry Truman was president.

Who was Goliath with that went to make war with israel?

The Philistines.

Who is the state hero of Connecticut?

Israel Putnam All sources I can find list Captain Nathan Hale as the state hero of Connecticut, including the state's own website. Although Wikipedia's article on Putnam mentions an article/book on him called The Life and Heroic Exploits of Israel Putnam, that does not make him the state hero.

Related questions

Why did Israel expel the Jewish residents on Gaza Strip in 2005?

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wanted to use unilateral disengagement from Gaza to bring the Palestinians back to the negotiating table. Also, as a cost-benefit analysis, it did not make sense for Israel to expend the soldiers to occupy Gaza when there were so few Jews there.

What exactly are all the effects of the Gaza strip blockade?

It would be impossible to capture all of the effects of the Gaza Strip Blockade, but here are some of the major effects of the Gaza Strip Blockade. 1) Lack of Food: The Gazans claim that insufficient quantities of food come into Gaza across the land borders. Also, as objects like fertilizer can be used to make bombs and incendiary devices, Israel strongly limits their importation making Gazan agriculture relatively futile. 2) Lack of Power: Gaza has no power plants (of any sufficient size) and relies on Israel for nearly 80% of its energy. Israel only provides what it believes is necessary to power Gaza and Gazans complain that this quantity is insufficient. 3) Lack of Medical Access: In the past, many Palestinians were serviced in Israeli hospitals and numerous Palestinian Doctors were employed in Israel. The reason was twofold, Palestinian organizations had other ways they preferred to spend their budgets and Israel tried to save civilians who needed it in Palestine. However, due to the blockade, the border crossings do not allow for any but the most dire cases to come to Israel. Israel does provide medical supplies to Gaza, but there is a lack of proper hospitals and good doctors to protect the entire population. 4) Lack of Building Materials: Many building materials such as cement, metals, wood, and chemicals are the exact same ingredients used to make bombs and rockets. Therefore Israel strongly limits the amounts of these materials which are brought into Gaza. 5) Physical Isolation: Gazans, except under certain circumstances, can almost never leave Gaza and non-Gazans have a very hard time entering the area.

What has Shimon Peres done to make some people compare him to Hitler and Idi Amin?

He is systematically murdering civilians in Israel occupied Gaza.

Why has embargo been added to the conflict between Gaza and Israel?

Israel noted that after Hamas came to power in the Gaza Strip in 2007, the Iranians and other Hamas backers were using Gaza's Mediterranean ports to bring in rockets, artillery, and other weapons to fight the Israelis. In order to make sure that Hamas receives only a minimal amount of weaponry, the Israelis blockaded the Gaza Strip and direct all deliveries to Palestine to dock in the nearby Israeli ports of Ashqelon and Ashdod for the material to be transported overland to the Gaza Strip. To date, every shipment directed towards Gaza that has been found to be actual AID (such as foodstuffs, simple building materials, etc.) has been transported overland to Gaza. The remainder, including small harms, has been detained in Israel.

What is the Gaza Strip conflict about?

Palestinian AnswerZionists invaded Palestine and changed the name to "Israel". Many Palestinians were forced from their homes into concentration camps, such as Gaza.Israeli AnswerHamas, the ruling power in Gaza, has presented no terms an no way to negotiate for a two-state solution. Naturally, Israel, as any state would, is trying to make sure that Hamas does not ever have the capability to destroy the State of Israel. Israel is doing this on multiple levels, including blockading the region, using targeted airstrikes to remove the Hamas leadership, and on occasion, invading the region militarily. For people like the above Palestinian, the notion that the Zionists may have some rights to a State is completely out of the question, therefore it is impossible for them to arrive at a peaceful negotiated solution. If you note the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, while it is certainly not peaceful, those Palestinians have much more ability to be productive and develop internal infrastructure because they have not rejected Israel so vehemently.

What 3 land areas make up Palestine?

The three major divisions of the British Mandate of Palestine are (in order order of size): Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. The three major divisions of the territory claimed by the Palestinian Authority are (in order of size): Samaria, Judea, and Gaza.

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Did Egypt make a new deal with Israel?

Answer 1It is unclear what "a new deal" means. Egypt and Israel made peace and established diplomatic relations in 1979. There have been periodic conferences between the Egyptian leadership and the Israeli leadership, most often concerning the lawlessness that exists in the Sinai Peninsula and malevolence in the Gaza Strip and how best to coordinate the Egyptian military presence to deal with those problems.Even during Morsi's administration, when the Egyptian leadership was the most anti-Israeli it has been since 1979, contacts were maintained for exactly this issue.Answer 2During the previous Morsi's administration, the relations between Egypt and Israel was at its optimum and best conditions and Morsi succeeded to come to agreement with HAMAS in Gaza for not attacking the Israelis and to protect the Gaza-Israel borders.

What two visible boundries make up part of Egypts borders?

The Mediterranean and Red Seas. Additionally, the border between Egypt and Israel and Egypt and Gaza is a border fence, so that's visible, but it's not geographic.

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It can make a huge impact on your life, which will be hard to overcome & get over once the person is n0t in your life anymore. It can lead to a list of anything . Yes, it is hard to overcome. When you become attached to this person, and that person is not in your life anymore, you will have a hard time getting over him/her. It is really hard.

How did Israel survive when it's so hated?

Israel proves that blowing really, really hard does not make a brick house fall. (Thanks big-bad-wolf.) Israel has managed to survive based on strategic military action, comprehensive diplomatic action, a myth of its own invincibility (among Arab States), and foreign support. There is also a patriotism in Israel that is hard to match.