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She has had nightmares about his death

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yeah thanx for the help

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12y ago

because Chuck Norris was in side

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Q: Why does Calphurnia want Caesar to stay at home?
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Why did Caesar stay at home?

Caesar stayed at home because he received warnings about potential dangers to his life if he were to venture out. He was urged by his wife and priests to stay away from the Senate that day due to ominous omens and premonitions of harm. This decision ultimately led to his assassination by a group of conspirators in the Senate.

Why does Caesar want calphurnia stand in anthonys path during the race?

so that she will become pregnant in the year, it is superstition. But the real reason she is unable to consive is because Caesar is sterile.

Why didn't Caesar stay home with calpurnia on the Ides of March?

Caesar ignored the warnings of his wife Calpurnia to stay home on the Ides of March because he believed the prophecies of his death were superstitions. He also did not want to appear weak or give in to fear, as he valued his reputation as a strong leader. Additionally, he may have been influenced by his own ambition and desire to attend important Senate meetings.

Why children do not want to stay at home?

They don't want to stay home by themselves because it scares them being alone. They'll miss you. Kids don't won't be home by themselves

Do you want to go home or stay?

From what I have seen 90% of the people prefer to stay home than leave the house.

What would you do if your parents don't want to go home and you want to go home?

I wouldn't go home either...... I would just stay with my parents.....

Why do you have a home?

so if it rains or snow it want come down to us and if we are cold we can stay in our home

Should a mother stay home with her small children or work outside the home?

That is something she has to decide for herself. There is no difference in children with stay at home moms vs those who had moms who worked. If she does not want to stay home she should not. This is supposed to be a time to enjoy.

What message does Antony want Octavius' servant to take to octavius?

He wants Octavius to be informed with all that has dealt with the death of Caesar, and to tell him to stay where he was for a small amount of time so there wasn't a chance that he was assassinated like Julius Caesar was.

What do the people want Antony to read during the funeral of Caesar?

They all want Antony to read Caesar's will.

Should being a stay at home father be listed on resume?

If you were a stay at home father for an extended period, and you weren't working from home, you may want to. It would be a simple explanation for a long absence from the workforce.

Stay with your friend or go home?

I am going to be 17 years in Sept and I want to move out of my parents home and go to West Virginia and stay with some friends and they are like my grandparents.