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Q: Why does Americans need a parliament?
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how did the parliament lead to the revolutionary war

Why did American colonists resent British tax?

Americans did not elect representatives to Parliament as people who lived in Great Britain did.

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Why did the taxes make Americans mad?

They had no representation in the British Parliament and the taxes were used for revenues.

What happen in 1755 with the British and the Americans?

They first rejected the authority of the Parliament of Great Britain.

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Why did some Americans colonist object to paying taxes to great Britain?

The colonies did not have representation in Parliament

How did the tudors learn to work with parliament?

They sensibly recognized the value of good relations with parliament. A constant need for money led them to consult with Parliament frequently.

Why did Britisher resent Britisher taxes?

Americans did not elect representatives to Parliament as people who lived in Great Britain did.

How did the battle of Yorktown lead to the Americans independence?

The British Parliament was not willing to support a new military campaign.

What did the Americans call the the Boston tea party caused Parliament to pass the coercive acts?

Intolerable Acts

How did opposition to British tax policies the colonial rebellion in 1770?

The Great Britain Parliament had imposed high rates of taxes on the American colonists for goods that they were supplying to America. The Americans realized that without having representation in Parliament they were defenseless against these high rates of taxes. This caused them to rebel against the unfair taxation in 1776.