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Because of yhurr motherr ;{

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Q: Why do you think the umayyads took control of the muslim empire?
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How did the Umayyads unite the many peoples of the Muslim empire?

I think they let the non-muslims in their empire and they continued worshipping what they worship but they had to pay a special tax.

Who did the sunnis think was the leader of Muslim community?

The Caliphs including the Rashidun, the Umayyads, and the Abbassids.

Why do you think men fought for control of the Roman Empire?

Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.

How do you think the existence of a powerful Muslim empire on the fringes of Europe will affect the late middle ages?

because muslims rock!

Who was the Muslim leader that conquered Spain?

General Zyad at-Tariq lead the invasion of Spain in 711, but Spain remained a governate until 750, when Abd al-Rahman of the Umayyads established an emirate in Cordoba.

Is kaan baybag Muslim?


Is nesreen tafesh a Muslim?

i think she is muslim

Is Omar bhatti Muslim?

since his name is a muslim name, i think he is muslim.

Does Obama take contributions from Muslim terrorists?

No he does not. He does not have any connections with Muslim terrorists. He's not even Muslim. why would you even think that? No he does not. He does not have any connections with Muslim terrorists. He's not even Muslim. why would you even think that?

How was the capital of the umayyads different from other cities of western Europe?

It's because the Umayyads had Damascus as their capital and when the Abbasids took power they moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad. But since you're asking about the Umayyads, Damascus was different compared to other Western European cities. From Damascus, the Ummayyads could rule their entire empire. They could do this because they had emirs (which are basically govenors) who were appointed to different provinces throughout the empire (they were appointed by the caliphs) and the emirs with the help of local clan leaders in each province governed their appointed province. This really helped the Umayyads because they could rule all the way from Damascus. Everywhere you go has so many states. For example in the United States. And obviously their president is unable to govern all the states at once (aside from laws), so what do we have??? senators, mayors, police, judges-They all help. Think of the senator as the emir and the mayor, police officers, and judges as the clan leaders. Similarly, this is how it was in Damascus.

What did Shah Wallah think were the main causes of the problems of the Muslim?

During his time in Arabia, Shah Waliullah thought deeply about theproblems faced by Muslims in the Mughal Empire. The Empire was in decline andMuslims were disunited and vulnerable to attacks on their religion. Shah Waliullahrealized that reform could not come from the weak leadership in Delhi and that itwould come from within the Muslim community itself.

What did shah waliullah think were the main causes of the problems of the Muslim?

During his time in Arabia, Shah Waliullah thought deeply about theproblems faced by Muslims in the Mughal Empire. The Empire was in decline andMuslims were disunited and vulnerable to attacks on their religion. Shah Waliullahrealized that reform could not come from the weak leadership in Delhi and that itwould come from within the Muslim community itself.