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Because they believed that slavery was immoral, and by providing shelter and aiding fleeing slaves, they were doing the right thing.

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Q: Why do you think the Quakers and others on the underground railroad provide shelter to the runaways?
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What system was created to help slaves escape to freedom?

the underground railroad was started by a black woman abolishionist named harriet tubman who would provide direction encouragement via connecting those fleeing to a network of other like mined individuals who would also assist.

Why did Thomas Garrett build the underground railroad?

No, he never actually went to retrieve slaves and lead them to the North. However, he did provide money, shoes, and a place for them to stay. He coordinated much of the railroad as well.

What is the term underground railroad?

Answer The term was used to describe the underground network of safe houses used to transport slaves out of the Southern slave-states to the free-states of the North during the Civil War period.

Relative to the practice of slavery what was the underground railroad?

The underground railroad was neither a railroad nor was it underground. It used terminology from the railroad. A house where runaway slaves were welcome was called a "station." Sometimes word spread among slaves where to find a station. In the novel, Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, the runaway slave, Jim, knew of one such place in Cairo, Illinois. A slave might need to travel from one slave cabin to another slave cabin for a few days until he could find a station. At a station, he or she would find a conductor. The conductor would provide safe passage to the next station. That passage might be in a wagon underneath a load of hay. Or, they might be hidden in some other way. At the next station, they would be fed and there they would sleep and perhaps spend a day or two until another conductor took them to the next station. That continued until they reached their destination.

Why was the Gadsden Purchase made?

This purchase was made to obtain a strip on land over which to build a trans-continental railroad to connect the rest of the US with California.

Related questions

What is the connection between the Quakers and the underground railroad?

the Quakers would provide transportation for the slave to ride in until they got to cannada

What was the underground railroad and what did it provide?

it was to help free the slaves from there masters

What were some of the religious groups that assisted in the organization of the Underground Railroad?

Quakers, Congregationalists, and Methodists were some of the religious groups that played a significant role in organizing and supporting the Underground Railroad. They believed in the abolition of slavery and helped provide resources, safe houses, and guidance to escaped slaves on their journey to freedom.

What system was created to help slaves escape to freedom?

the underground railroad was started by a black woman abolishionist named harriet tubman who would provide direction encouragement via connecting those fleeing to a network of other like mined individuals who would also assist.

Why did Thomas Garrett build the underground railroad?

No, he never actually went to retrieve slaves and lead them to the North. However, he did provide money, shoes, and a place for them to stay. He coordinated much of the railroad as well.

What is the term underground railroad?

Answer The term was used to describe the underground network of safe houses used to transport slaves out of the Southern slave-states to the free-states of the North during the Civil War period.

What did they have to do in the underground railroad?

The "underground railroad" was neither a railroad, nor was it underground. In the same sense of the French Underground in World War II, the Underground Railroad was a secret group, composed of anti-slavery sympathizers in the North and South before the US Civil War. The group helped escaped slaves to reach freedom and safety, usually in non-slavery states of the North. At that time, slave owners would often pursue slaves who fled North, and the "railroad" frequently provided new identities to protect slaves from organized slave hunters. Beginning in the areas where the slaves escaped, farmers or townspeople would provide food, new clothing, and hiding places for the slaves. Then , usually at night, they would be moved to safe locations farther north, or to ships on the coast. So it commonly took several days to weeks for slaves to complete their journey. Once in the North, they would be provided homes, jobs, and often new names.

What was the state that was originally claimed by the Quakers?

Because it was established as a Colony to provide a refuge for European Quakers.

Why was pennsylvaina founded?

To make money, & to provide the Quakers a haven in American colonys.

What is the main reason why Pennsylvania was colonized?

To provide a safe haven for European Quakers.

Why did the gorvernment provide subsidies to railroad companies?

from the government

Which railroad made it possible to provide a new source of transportation at a rate that was virtually unheard of in the US?

ur mother rides the railroad