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why did Frederick Douglass get involved in the abolitionist

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Q: Why do you think Frederick Douglas was a convincing spokesperson for the cause of abolition?
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What former slave lectured eloquently in favor of abolition?

Frederick Douglas

Which former slave lectured eloquently in favor abolition?

frederick douglas

Who were some blacks involved in abolition?

Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglas, and Dred Scott.

What was Frederick Douglass's connection to abolition newspapers?

in 1847 Douglas began his own abolitionist newspaper.

What were Frederick Douglas's war efforts for the union force during the civil war?

Fredrick Douglas, a freed slave in the north, was a major writer who helped wrote stories promoting the abolition of slavery.

What did Frederick Douglas do?

which of the following did frederick douglas not do?

What slave lectured eloquently in favor of abolition?

Frederick Douglas

When was Frederick Douglas Underwood born?

Frederick Douglas Underwood was born in 1849.

When did Frederick Douglas Underwood die?

Frederick Douglas Underwood died in 1942.

Who wrote the antislavery novel?

The Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas, was written by Frederick Douglas.

What contributions did Frederick Douglas and William L Garrison make to the abolitionist movement in the US?

Both Frederick Douglas and William L. Garrison made substantial progress in having the US rethink their positions on slavery. Douglas and Garrison used their newspapers to inform Americans about the immorality of slavery. The also spoke in public concerning their ideas about the abolition of slavery in the US long before the US Civil War.

What did Frederick Douglas's fear would result from John Browns raid?

NovaNet- People would turn away from the abolition movement