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If you are referring to World War I, the only answer I could possibly have is for you to look-up the casualties caused by the British and French commanders. The deaths numbered in the millions as a result of their incompetence. In one engagement alone, over 44,000 British soldiers died for 1/2 square mile of mud. During the battle of the Somme/Ypres it is estimated that over a 3 month period 1.2 French, British, and Germans died because the commanders were to stubborn and arrogant to realize that it was futile to continue.

Also, if you are, or ever have been, a member of the Armed Forces you would soon understand how repugnant the idea of being under any foreign command would be.

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Q: Why do you think American commanders were hesitate of American soldiers serving for the British and French regiments?
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9th Cavalry and 10th Cavalry.

Buffalo Soldiers?

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Did the Buffalo Soldiers fight in the Spanish American War?

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