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Q: Why do you suppose these laws were written down and codified?
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Why was Hammurabi's Code important to the people of Mesopotamia?

They were the first written codified laws that all could see.

Were the ancient Greek laws codified?


Babylonian King who collected and codified laws that were named for him?


Is Hammurabi's code of laws a just?

Hammurabi realized that cruel kings had a short reign. He put laws in a codified manner.

Who organized Roman Law into a comprehensive code?

When the Romans, both Patricians and Plebeian, realized that they needed a written or codified set of laws to prevent magistrates from arbitrarily interpreting unwritten custom, they are said to have sent a commission of three men to Greece to study Greek legal documents. Greece was selected because Athens had gone through the same problems that the Romans were having. They found that written law was the solution. When the commission returned to Rome, a group of ten was established to write down the laws. They were called the Decemviri. They had codified only ten laws by the time their term was ended and it took another year and another group of Decemviri to finish the job.

Related questions

Why was Hammurabi's Code important to the people of Mesopotamia?

They were the first written codified laws that all could see.

When were the laws of cricket written?

The first written 'Laws Of Cricket' was drawn up in 1744. Cricket is thus the very first modern game to be codified.

What type of law is a collection of laws and rules and ordinances written by legislative bodies?

Codified legislation

What was one way in which Hammurabi and Justinian are similar is that they successfully?

Codified the laws of their empire

Where are all American codified laws kept?

The codified laws of the United States are published in the United States Code Service.

How was hammurabis code different laws before than?

The code was the first codified laws in existence and has been the base for most countries but it was made for a primate nation and more modern laws are needed like transit and internet laws.

Codified mores are called?


What is the significiance of Hammurabi's code?

We have codified laws that we attend to and the Hammurabi code was the first known laws codified into a code proven in history.

Were the ancient Greek laws codified?


The emperor of Babylonia who codified the laws of his country?


Outline three essential differences in operation between common law and statute law?

Statutory law are laws passed by the legislature and have been written down and codified for use. Common law is based on precedence or case law.

Babylonian King who collected and codified laws that were named for him?
