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I honestly don't know sorry I'm asking the same question to!

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bc they did dont okay.

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Q: Why do you not know if any dynasties preceded the Shang?
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Why do you know if any dynasties preceded the shang?

I honestly don't know sorry I'm asking the same question to!

Did ancient china have any kings?

No. Ancient China had emperors, starting with Qin Shiuangdi, meaning "the first emperor". There were several different dynasties, or the period of time a certain family rules the empire. For example, there are the Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties in China.

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The three features of common nouns are: they are preceded by an article, may be preceded by a limiting modifier, and denote any or all of a class of entities.

What word must be preceded by an and not a?

any word beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u)

Are there any countries that are ruled by dynasties?

The 'legitimate' dynasties are royal families that are Head of State of their country. Today there are 44 countries in the world ruled by royal dynasties, such as Great Britain, The Netherlands and Saudi Arabia. There are also non-royal dynasties where (often almost absolute) power goes from father to son. The most famous cases are the Assad family in Syria and the Kim family that has been running North Korea for 3 generations.

What does it mean wo bu neng shang ke?

Bu neng shang ke Bu with any verb means cannot. Neng - means can/to be able so bu neng = cannot shang ke = go to class So the whole sentence here means cannot go to class

Is there any patch for Age of Empires 3 to make it age of empire3 Asian dynasties?

None, but you can download the demo online.

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"Essay" is one of the literary types which does not come in standard form . >Shang Ganih

Which Arab dynasties governed cherchell between 800 AND 1500?

as far as I know throug my reading is that cherchell was never governed by any Arab dinasties, the dinasties which governed cherchell were berbers dinasties and some local tribe Like the echanouen, and the Naceur's of mont menaceur near cherchell.

Some file names are preceded by a dot .What does this mean?

i dont have any ider but i think It means that the file or directory is used for application settings

Where can you get Age of Empires 3 Asian Dynasties How much is it?

You can probally buy it from any electronics retailer (Futureshop, Best Buy etc.) It will most likely cost around $40-$60.