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Q: Why do we refer to an ancient African civilization as the nok?
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Who were the Nok?

The Nok were an early African civilization of the Nile River valley.

Who were nok people?

The Nok were an early African civilization of the Nile River valley.

Who were the Nok people?

The Nok were an early African civilization of the Nile River valley.

Who were the rulers of ancient Nok?

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What is an NOK?

nok is an ancient culture that date as far back as 500 b.c "before christ" it is located in modern day Nigeria the nok were respected for their terracota & sculpture which were the oldest in all of Africa

In what modern day nation did the ancient nok people originate?


What was the sub-saharan african culture that prospered from 700 to 200 bc?

Nok Culture.

What was the sub-Saharan African culture from 700 bc - 200 bc?

Nok Culture.

What are types of African statues?

B. Igbo figure C. Nok Sculpture D. Pfemba These are all types of African Status

Who were the first African people to smelt iron?

The Nok people were the first people to smelt iron.

How did the discovery of the nok people help archaeologists complete the puzzle of the development of African civilizations?

The discovery of the Nok people through their elaborate terracotta sculptures provided insight into complex societies existing in West Africa as early as 1000 BCE. This archaeological evidence helped fill gaps in understanding the evolution of African civilizations and challenged previous assumptions about the continent's history and cultural achievements.

A group of people who created the famous African sculptures in the rain forest of what is now Nigeria?

It is the Nok people.