Ok, to begin with nobody has to learn Latin.
But then, there are several reasons for which you may want to learn it.
1) It is a beautiful language, with a very beautiful literature -ranging from philosophy to poetry - which can be understood best without turning to the English translation.
2) It helps learning to use your brain. Latin, as much as ancient Greek, is quite a complicated language, where a word may mean different things. Reading in Latin always require using the brain in a very independent way, it's not about just applying standardized rules.
3) It helps to better understand your own language grammar... well, at least if you speak a latin language (Italia, French, Spanish, etc) or a language that was heavily influenced by latin languages (such as English).
4) It helps understanding where you come from: like it or not, the bases of Western civilizations where originally set by Romans (ok, and Greeks).
That said, my English grammar still sucks, despite having studied 5 years of Latin... but that-s because I'm not a native English speaker.
Simply because Latin was the language spoken in Genoa when he was born !
Six English, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, and German
Four of the many ways that you can learn about the Romans is by taking a history course, reading the correct research books, watching a video, and learning Latin.
Great Britain offered to combined with America in joint declaration renouncing any interest in acquiring Latin American territory, and specifically warning the European despots to keep their hands off the Latin American republics.
One could buy the Rosetta Stone software program through the official website and begin to learn the Latin language immediately. One can choose to use the audio CD's that can be purchased for use in any CD player or purchase the software to be used in any personal computer.
Riders learn Latin
Discere - to learn.
In Pig Latin, the word "learn" would be spoken as "earn-lay."
No. They usually learn Latin.
You can learn basic latin on www.learnlatin.co.uk, then clickon beginners and you will learn like names of stuff- food, clothes, etc. hope it helpld
I learn Latin at school and "term" in Latin is "terminium"
You may be surprised to learn that the Latin word for "vicarious" was vicarius.
The Latin root "doceo" means "to teach" or "to instruct," and the Latin root "disco" means "to learn" or "to acquire knowledge."
You can learn how to sing the Aeneid in universities by taking intermediate or advanced Latin courses. Latin courses are usually under the Department of Classics