

Why do we have to learn Latin?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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14y ago

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Ok, to begin with nobody has to learn Latin.

But then, there are several reasons for which you may want to learn it.

1) It is a beautiful language, with a very beautiful literature -ranging from philosophy to poetry - which can be understood best without turning to the English translation.

2) It helps learning to use your brain. Latin, as much as ancient Greek, is quite a complicated language, where a word may mean different things. Reading in Latin always require using the brain in a very independent way, it's not about just applying standardized rules.

3) It helps to better understand your own language grammar... well, at least if you speak a latin language (Italia, French, Spanish, etc) or a language that was heavily influenced by latin languages (such as English).

4) It helps understanding where you come from: like it or not, the bases of Western civilizations where originally set by Romans (ok, and Greeks).

That said, my English grammar still sucks, despite having studied 5 years of Latin... but that-s because I'm not a native English speaker.

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