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Code there doesn't always require a 'P' trap to hold water and thus block sewer gases from backing into the house.

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Q: Why do toilets in Mexico smell like the sewer?
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How does sewer gas smell?

Sewer gas has a distinct rotten egg or sulfur-like odor. It can also be described as a musty, earthy smell, often accompanied by a chemical or sewage-like stench.

Why do toilets smell like rotten eggs?

Toilets can smell like rotten eggs due to a buildup of bacteria in the pipes or around the toilet bowl. This bacteria can produce hydrogen sulfide, which has a distinct smell of rotten eggs. Regular cleaning with disinfectants and maintaining good ventilation can help reduce this odor.

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mexico does have a kind of a sea smell

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jelly toilets smell like funny chinese men

How do toilets improve quality of life?

it makes your house not smell like poo and you dont have it all over your lawn

What would the world be like without toilets?

There would be poop and urine all over the place and it would definitely smell.

What can you smell in Mexico like can you smell a sea smell or a sand smell or any kind of smell at all because usual smells are abnormal?

you can smell taco's and burrito's

What does Cancun Mexico smell like?

amazing lovely refreshing

What does New York smell like?

new york smells like a sewer,most people explain it as a toilet bowl

What would make sewage smell when heating with gas?

Perhaps a gas leak? The gas we use for cooking is originally odourless, but a smell is added during manufacturing to let us know if there is a leak, and this smell is most commonly sewer-like.

What is wrong after installing a sink and toilet in a basement you can smell sewer?

Sounds like the trap in the sink is getting the water pulled out of it. It probably wasn't vented properly.

What can you smell in Mexico like can you smell a sea smell or a sand smell or any kind of smell at all because usual smells are abnormal I want something awesome. a lot of Mexicans are very awesome?

You Smell Takeaways And Tortillas and things.