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Q: Why do they need Brutus to join them?
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How will cinna get Brutus to join the conspiracy?

No cassius, brutus' brother-in-law talks brutus into joining the conspiracy

What character is the senator that Brutus refuses to ask to join the conspiracy?

Cicero is the senator whom Brutus refuses to ask to join the conspiracy.

Who joins the plot because of Brutus?

Cassius is convinced by brutus to join his plot

Why did Cassius write fake letters to brutus?

To protect Brutus his noble and honorable leader.

Who does Cassius recruit to join the conspirators?


Who convinces Brutus to join plot?

Cassius convinces Brutus to join the plot to assassinate Julius Caesar by appealing to Brutus's sense of honor and patriotism and by highlighting Caesar's growing power and ambition. Cassius also plays on Brutus's fear that Caesar's power will diminish the Roman Republic.

Why does Cassius forge letters to Brutus?

To show Brutus that he is in fact loved by the citizens of Rome

Why is there a meeting held at Brutus house and who attends it?

The men need Brutus to join their conspiracy. Brutus' name hold much weight and favor with the people in Rome. The men approach Brutus' house to see if he will join them, and if so, how the plan to assassinate Caesar will happen. When Brutus agrees to be a part of the plan, he immediately becomes the leader of the group, a position that may have come naturally to him, since he is their host at the time. They decide that Cicero will be left out of their plan (at Brutus' recommendation) and that Mark Antony not be touched (another recommendation of Brutus). Decius also volunteers to flatter Caesar to make sure he comes to the Capitol the next day.

Who convinces Brutus to join the plot against caesar?


How had Julius Caesar treated Brutus so that he was reluctant at first to join the conspiracy?

They were friends; Caesar had treated Brutus as a protégé.

How had Julius Caesar treated Marcus Brutus so that he was reluctant at first to join the conspiracy?

They were friends; Caesar had treated Brutus as a protégé.

Who wants Brutus to join the conspiracy?

Mostly Cassius, but other conspirators as well.