

Why do they make mummies?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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14y ago

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To preserve someone who is special. It saves their body.


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Q: Why do they make mummies?
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Why should you make mummies today?

why should we still make mummies today

Why do they do this to mummies?

the preserve bodies to make mummies because that person was of some importance to a family or a kingdom.

When did they make the mummies?

in 1300 BC

Who were the first to make mummies on purpose?

mummies were "made" by ancient time Egyptians, it was a ceremony to honor the dead

When did the Egyptians make the mummies?

in 1300 bc

How did the ancient Egyptians make mummies?


Where did mummies live a long time ago?

Mummies didn't live anywhere. A mummy is what you get when you dry out and make a nice parcel out of a dead body. The place most associated with mummies is Egypt.

Where did they make mummies in Egypt?

Under the statue of Anubis

How many mummies did ancient egyptians make?


Did ancient Egyptians make animal mummies?


How many different types of mummies are there?

There are naturally preserved mummies which include:desert mummies , freeze dried mummies/ refrigerated mummies, bog bodies,Deliberately preserved mummies which include:egyptian mummies, chinese mummies, aleutian island mummy , Incan mummies and modern mummies

Did Incas in ancient Egypt make mummies?

The Incas were in the Americas, not in ancient Egypt. So no, the Incas never made mummies in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians did.