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This part of the book is set in England in WW II at the time the Germans were bombing many cities, including London (see "The Blitz"). Families in cities frequently sent their children into the country so that the children would be safe from the bombing attacks.

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Q: Why do the Pevensie children get sent away from London?
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In the book The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe why were the children sent to stay with the professor?

During World War II, London was a dangerous place. The city was subject to a period of sustained bombing from the German Luftwaffe (air force) and so thousands of city children were sent to stay out in the country, where it was believed they would be safe. Country people opened up their homes to these children, taking them in for months at a time to provide a safe haven for them.

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Parents desperate to get their kids away from the Nazis sent them on the Kindertransport. The trip was rough on the kids but they were sent to safe areas like London where they lived with friends or relatives until the war was over.

Do the children from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe have parents?

Yes, I think so. I don't have the book at hand, but if I remember correctly, the children were sent away by their parents to the professor's home, for their protection. The book takes place during World War II, and the kids are English. At that time, Great Britain and especially London was under heavy bombing by the Nazis, so a lot of parents sent their children away someplace safer.

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To get away from the bombing.

How old are the Pevensies in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis?

Before the beginning of the novel, the Pevensie children lived in London with their mother, while their father was fighting in the war. At the very beginning of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe they were sent to live in the country, to be away from the bombings that were happening in London. This happened to many children during the war- they left London to live with strangers in the country, which was safer than living with the constant bombings.

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Her children were sent away to another peace of land so the Romans couldn't capture her or her children

What happened to Britain during the battle of Britain?

The children were sent to the country to live with people there. Some were sent to Ireland and the United States. These were children of the more wealthier families. The children who were evacuated from London and other towns were called evacuees.

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I don't think there is a particular word for Wales, but children sent away from their families for the duration of war are "evacuees".

What are children sent away during World War 2 called?


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They were sent away to homes in the country side away from where the was was taking place.

Where did Peter Edmund Susan and Lucy live before they were sent away?

Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy lived in London before they were sent away to live with Professor Kirke in the countryside during World War II.