

Why do tanks have sloped armor?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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11y ago

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When you put the armor at an angle, the thickness is increased due to the fact that it is sloped as opposed to plumb.

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Q: Why do tanks have sloped armor?
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What were World War 2 tanks made of?

1 1/2 inch heat-treated steel alloys. Most of them could stop .50 cal armor piercing rounds, and some tanks had sloped armour/armor, which could stop heavier shells by deflecting them.

How thick is the Tiger tank's armor?

The mantlet of the Tiger I was 110 millimeters thick. Note that the tank did not have a sloped or slanted glacis plate, and thus the effectiveness of the armor was not maximized. The Tiger II had 180 millimeter armor, but this was sloped to increase its effectiveness and afford better protection. Use the links below to learn more.

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Panzer=Armor=tanks. Automobile makers generally produce tanks.

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Were armoured tanks invulnerable to machine guns?

In WW 1, the armor on tanks was not THAT thick, and a heavy machine gun with armor piercing ammuntion COULD disable a tank. They were NOT invulnerable.

What impact did the Panzer have in World War 2?

Panzer=Armor. Therefore your question is asking "what impact did armor have in WWII?" Armor=Tanks=Panzer was simply an evolution process. Before tanks, men fought USING HORSES. In WWII every combatant nation (the smart ones) exchanged their HORSES for tanks! All combatants in WWII had tanks (panzers, armor); the USSR had T34 medium tanks; the US used M3 Stuarts & Lees; the French & Italians used Renaults and Fiat tanks; Japan had Type 97 medium & Type 95 light tanks; Germany had Mk I thru 7's. Just part of the evolution of mankind...horses to tanks, swords to rifles!

In World War 2 what did the Germans call their tanks?

Like Americans, they call their tanks "armor"; in German armor is pronounced panzer. In the US Army (during the Vietnam era) an armor crewman was a tank crewman. A German tank crewman would be called a panzer crewman.

Is titanium used on tanks armor?

No. Titanium costs approximately 10 times more than steel and titanium is only lighter that steel. You actually will need more titanium than steel for armor (strength to size issue). Tanks don't have problem with heavy armor so weight is not an issue for them.

Why did tanks sink easily in mud?

Tanks sunk easily in mud, for they were so heavy and large. The armor plating was also very thick and dense.

How many tank does an armor major have?

Depends on the country In Pakistan Army a Major is a Squadron Commander and there are 14 tanks in a squadron so he commands 14 tanks

What are the long-term effects of World War 1 tanks?

Some of the long - term effects of the World War 1 tanks were that the future models had to be upgraded to reduce the weaknesses of the earlier tanks. These days, tanks can move faster and have thicker armor.

What are weapons and armor?

The question is unclear. At one time weapons and armor were collectively referred to as arms. Weapons are for delivering violence to an opponent, and armor is for protecting oneself from violence. Armor can refer to a personal suit of armor (helmet, flack jacket, etc.) but in the 20th Century it also became a reference to tanks.