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Q: Why do some individual rights need special protection in the constitution?
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Antifederalists argued that the Constitution lacked protection?

Of Individual Rights

What have the amendments to the US Constitution given?

Civil and individual rights for people and the protection of the law of the land.

What rights do individuals have to be protected from danger and harm?

Every individual has the right of protection under the constitution. And this is the role of the Government.

What did the Anti-Federalists want the Constitution to provide?

A promise to protect individual rights. Apex :D have a nice day~

What are the stipulations of The Bill of Rights?

protection against unreasonable search and seizure

What before agreeing to ratify the constitution what did most opponents wanted added to ensure protection of individual liberties?

Bill of Rights

Why are there limits to copyright protection?

In the US, the Constitution stipulates that protection must be for a limited time. This is one way in which the law is attempting to balance individual rights with the public good.

What is the most protected by the US Constitution common good or individual rights?

Individual rights are protected by the US Constitution.

What is Bill of Rights do in the constitution do?

Protects our individual rights!! :)

How dows the constitution protect individual rights?

Bill of Rights protects the individual rights.Bill of rights protects the individual rights.

In order to win support for the constitution what did the federalist promise to add?

Bill of Rights

What did the Bill of Rights do for the Constitution?

Added protections for individual rights.