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Recent DNA studies indicate that the earliest inhabitants of Ireland and western Britain migrated from the Iberian peninsula after the last Ice Age. The dark haired "Atlantic Celts" as well as some English are further evidence of that origin. See "The Origins of the British", Oppenheimer.

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Q: Why do some Irish have black hair?
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What color hair do most Irish people have?

As most European populations, Irish are predominantly brown-haired. This is according to various anthropological studies done on various Irish populations at various times. One of them by the Harvard School of Anthropology proves that.Among adult males, 40% for dark-brown and 35% for medium brown, and 22% light brown to reddish. Concerning reddish hair, they are well among the highest in world around 10% for adults, but behind Scotland (13%). Due to the recessiveness of red hair, it usually masked by a dominant color which is brown. The proof is up to 46% of the Irish carry the recessive gene for red hair.Black hair in its pure state is rare in Ireland (3%), but added to the 40% of dark brown and you understand why some Irish were referred to by Americans as "Black Irish". (In a European and American context dark brown and black are often not differentiated; to the scientists 'black' hair cannot have any brown undertones.)Please see related links (forum and wikipedia) regarding hair colour and "black irish"

What nationality tans easily has dark brown almost black really curly hair and dark green eyes?

Irish people

What is the nationality of black Irish?

If born in Ireland and Irish citizen, then Irish.

How do Irish girls wear their hair?

Well, this might not be the answer you where looking for, but most Irish people are redheads or "gingers". I am a ginger, and i wear my hair however i want to. Actually 10% of Irish people have red-hair so it is not unusual but 90% have other hair colours. Irish girls wear their hair in all kinds of ways as this is more a question of individual taste than nationality.

What are some Irish physical traits like appearance hair etc?

Many Irish are talkative, inquisitive about people and places, helpful, open, good company, interested in sport, etc etc. they tend to hate saying "no" to your face, so they are notoriously indirect when it comes to criticism, rejection etc. time keeping is often seen as a very honourable aspiration but nobody really expects an eight o'clock meeting to start at eight! definitely philosophical about life the universe and all of that. and, like anywhere else, some of us are just plain boring!!

Related questions

How do Irish people have black hair?

Irish people can have black hair due to genetic variation. The presence of certain genes in the Irish population can result in individuals having black hair. Additionally, intermixing with people from other regions throughout history can also contribute to the diversity of hair colors within the Irish population.

What does black Irish look like?

dark hair blue eyes is what an black Irish person looks like

Do Irish have black hair?

Irish people can have a variety of hair colors, including black. Hair color can vary within any population due to genetic diversity and influences from ancestral backgrounds.

What does 'Black Irish'mean?

"Black Irish" traditionally refers to Irish people with dark features, possibly stemming from intermixing with Spanish or North African populations. It can also refer to people of Irish descent with darker hair and eyes, distinguishing them from the typical Irish phenotype.

Does an Irish person have red hair?

Some Irish people do, but most Irish people do not. There are also people from other countries that do have red hair.

What does the Irish boy look like in the band the wanted?

he has black hair and he is the tallest of them.

Do Irish wolf hounds have hair?

some and some don't

What names mean Black Irish?

Feminine names-Ciara (dark eyes/hair)Masculine names-Ciarán (dark eyes/hair)Dougal (dark stranger)Another answer:A large class of Irish names derives from colors and 'black' is represented by ciar, dub, gorm and temen in Old Irish. Some surnames contain these words:Kieran, Duffy, Gorman, Tynan for example.

What does black Irish mean?

There are many theories about the genetic origin of the so-called Black Irish. Some posit that the original inhabitants of Ireland had black hair, blue eyes, and olive skin. The Spanish left their mark; but there were other Mediterranean peoples who may have entered the genetic pool. Don't forget the Romans, who conquered what is now Great Britain not long after the birth of Christ. This is probably the most likely theory, even though the Romans withdrew their presence ca. 410 AD. Nearly four centuries is plenty of time for the two populations to have mingled extensively, and created dark-haired, dark-eyed descendants. The tendency is for the marvelous ginger hair and blue/blue-green eyes to be considered traditional Irish features. But this was apparently not part of the original Irish gene pool; Vikings from Norway brought red and blonde hair and lighter colored eyes. The remains of a Viking city were discovered when excavations began for additions to Dublin's city hall. Some artifacts were removed and cemented in place in the pavement around the area so that the ancient town would e remembered, not destroyed. The photo is of my father, whose grandfather was Irish - both grandfather and father had black hair and blue eyes. My dad got the brown eyes from his mother.

Can black hair be a natural hair color?

Black hair can be a natural color. Asians or Philipenos (specificly this kid in my class) often have dark brown or black hair. Asians and Philipenos aren't the only ones with black hair though, because you can be any race (and Philipeno) and have black hair. I have black hair and I'm Italian, German, Czech, and a little bit of Irish! I've made my point :)

What does it mean to call someone a black irsh man?

Referring to someone as a "Black Irish man" generally means that the person has dark hair and eyes, typically associated with Irish heritage. The term is used more in a descriptive way and does not necessarily refer to the person's skin color.

Can black be a natural hair color on Americans?

Black hair can be a natural color on anyone. Asians often have dark brown or black hair. Asians aren't the only ones with black hair though, because you can be any race and have black hair. And yeah, you can be American. I have black hair and I'm Italian, German, Czech, and a little bit of Irish! I've made my point :)