they where anzac trophys and march along and remember the people who died in war. they also wore it so they can show how good they did at war and training thats why they where anzac trophys. i saw a story that an old man was wearing a trophy and almost cried of the people who died...
The two main symbols people wear on ANZAC Day are a red poppy and/ or the symbol of the rising sun.
ANZAC Day is a time when people who have served in Australia's armed forces wear their uniforms and their medals. Relatives of anyone who has served in the forces, who has since died, also wear the medals and insignias earned by those who served. Other people wear ordinary clothes, though many will wear a red poppy out of respect.
the gold medals mean you came first in your event and the silver means you came second and the bronze means you came third.
VC typically stands for "Victoria Cross", one of the medals for valour.
The two main symbols people wear on ANZAC Day are a red poppy and/ or the symbol of the rising sun.
ANZAC Day is a time when people who have served in Australia's armed forces wear their uniforms and their medals. Relatives of anyone who has served in the forces, who has since died, also wear the medals and insignias earned by those who served. Other people wear ordinary clothes, though many will wear a red poppy out of respect.
sell the poppy
the gold medals mean you came first in your event and the silver means you came second and the bronze means you came third.
VC typically stands for "Victoria Cross", one of the medals for valour.
You wear the poppy on the left side ONLY
You should wear them on the right side. The original recipients wear them on the left side, so family are supposed to wear them on the right side when they do in order to distinguish them from the service men and women. Be aware that some people feel it is inappropriate for anyone except the service person to wear the medals.
Veterans may wear their medals on civilian clothes. The link below gives you information.
No particular food is consumed on ANZAC day, however, there is a type of biscuit named the 'ANZAC biscuit', but aren't limited to that day.