

Why do people use trenches?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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Trench warfare was introduced during WW I

4 August 1914 - 11 November 1918

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Did they use trenches in the battle of the somme?

Yes they did use trenches in German and Britain and France

Why did so many people die in ww1?

Many of the casualties of World War I were due to the use of gas warfare in the trenches.

What is a reserve trench?

Reserve trenches were used as supplies for the trenches out the front. In world war one, they had come up with a technique of hiding in trenches before they fight. To do this properly, they had made them zig-zags. The trenches on the front line were where the soldiers would fight from. Reserve trenches were used in case these people had anything happen to them and they needed to use more trenches and more men. Throughout the war, the conditions of the front line trenches became worse as the communication and reserve trenches improved. I hope that helped :)

What weapons did they use on the trenches?

Mustard Gas

How many people died in trenches?


What did people wear in trenches?

Their military uniforms.

What was it like to go to battle in the trenches?

It probably sucked...they were in trenches...and trenches collect water...people in the trenches were at risk of getting trench foot...and there were trench rats too....try sleeping in a cold damp muddy hole :)

How did the Germans use dogs in the trenches?

Like a boss

What methods of fighting did they use in the trenches?

Trench Warfare. :)

What are the trenches built for the British soldier to get close to the Maori pa?

The trenches were called saps and the people who dug them were called sappers.

Why people lived in trenches?

in WW1 thay lved in trenches to be protected from attacks from bombs and grenades thrown by the enemey. the earth trenches hid them as well as making it harder for bombs to harm them

Does Cold War mean when people fight in trenches?

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