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Q: Why do people need to know your history?
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Why do people need to know about the buffalo soldiers?

Because it is history.

What does history deal with in social studies?

To know information about people, you will need to know about their past or history. That is what Social Studies is about so that is why it has deal with history.

How do you know about history?

we know history when other people went to find out about the past

Why history is important to mans life?

we need to know about history because we should know about past

Why did you need to know Gettysburg war?

* it is about USA HISTORY * it is about USA HISTORY

Why do people need to learn science and history?

History and science are the foundation of who we are as people and the reason we as a species are who we are.

I need to know The production history of Jeremy Stuart Kinnear.?

dont know...sorry

Why do people need to know history if you were really intrusted in it then you can learn it but otherwise whats the point no one really cares?

we need to study history because we can learn form the past. we see what worked and didn't work for many different societies and generations and can made good choices based on what we learned from our history.

What do you need to know about black history month?

it is to honor our ancestors and people who suffered for our civil rights like rosa parks,martin luther king and etc.

Why do you have to study the roman empire?

because you need to know the history of the world and you might grow up to be an archaeologist in which case you need to know that stuff

How do you prepare to be president?

You need to do a lot of learning! You need to know what the President does: the President is our country's "chief executive." That means the President is in charge of carrying out the laws passed by Congress. The President is the "Commander in Chief" -- the President is in charge of our military. The duties of the President are listed in the US Constitution. You need to know a lot about other countries America works with. You need to know a lot of American history, so you understand how our country came to be. You need to know a lot about world history, so you understand how the United States "fits" with other countries. You need to know what issues people are concerned about. Right now, for example, people are concerned about events in the Middle East, global temperature change, unemployment, and our national debt. You need to be able to talk to people and give speeches to explain things -- sort of like a teacher. Finally -- and this is really important -- you need to know how to solve problems. (Asking for help is a very good way to solve problems!)

What history do you need when questioning a poisoning victim?

You need to know what drug or poison the victim has taken and at what time. Also it will help to know what other medication he/she is on .