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  • If you look back at the first murder in The Bible it will help you to see why people kill. In Genesis 4:6,7 we read that Cain was 'hot with anger', of course being just angry is not a reason to kill anyone, but here the writer uses a descriptive word, 'hot', thus implying an intense anger. Then God says to Cain 'there is sin crouching at the entrance, and for you is its craving; and will you, for your part, get the mastery over it?' As you may already have known we human are imperfect because we inherit it from Adam(Rom 5:12) and so our inclination is to sin (Gen 6:5). When someone lets his sinful thoughts dwell in them to the point that they get consumed by it the results can be devastating. Truth be told people kill for many different reasons but all these reasons are possible because of imperfection (2 Timothy 3:1-5).
  • Because free will exists. Man is not basically good, he is sinful, and without a God fearing inner conviction, he is apt to do anything. God gave free will, because he did not want to create robots. He wanted man to love him of their own free will.
  • Some murderers may mistakenly feel it is "fun."
  • For pursuit of power, or some other goal.
  • To prevent from being killed themselves, eg: in war.
  • They could just have been freaking mad and thought that was a good idea in the heat of the moment. They could think it is the will of god, or an angel told them to kill. If these happen then they might mark him/her down for insanity. Not being able to tell right from wrong. It also could be in "cold blood" which is when they kill an innocent person for no reason, or they could just feel hatred for that person. There are different reasons why people kill, it kind of depends what species you are talking about. Animals, like rabbits, wolves, and foxes? Or human beings? Even though in reality humans are animals, too. Sometimes people kill because they feel it is an instinct, like they feel they are an animal. There is a disease that could make a person think he/she is a werewolf or some type of animal.
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12y ago

This can be a variety of reasons. Some people have no empathy for others, so they can kill without feeling bad.

People kill in cases of survival, AKA self defence.

People kill others sometimes because of a grudge against that person, or that religion that person follows, their race, their ethniticty, or various other groups they may be a part of.

A person could bhave a diease ex:psycopath,sociopath.....

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