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One of the biggest reasons many people in Africa live in poverty is because they have been shafted by their own leaders and governments who have ammassed fortunes at the expense of their citizens.

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10y ago

In rural areas in the world it depends on how much you inherit from your family.

And in Urban it can depend on either your job is not paying well enough or lack of a job. Their are many other ways to get in poverty.

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50%of the people in south Africa live below the poverty line in south Africa

How many people in Africa live in poverty?


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How many people in Africa live on poverty?

About 380 million out of 955 million people in Africa live under the $1.25 WHO poverty line, This means that 39.7% are poor

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because there is poverty in Africa and not enough good paying jobs

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No. Africa is known for its poverty.

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600,534 people live in poverty in the US. hoped this helped you!

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