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I came to Uni here from a northern industrial city 3 years ago to attend Uni as it was the cheapest place in the country back then to study.

Hull has its good points, accommodation & foods good, and its brilliant for cycling with all the roads being flat and loads of cycle lanes. With me coming from south Yorkshire the Hull accent is pretty funny to listen to and I often spend ages winding up my mates from here. But I'm afraid thats where the good bits stop.

Hull is probably the most miserable depressing place I have ever lived in, for the following reasons:

1/. The people, the majority of Hull residents I have found can be very ignorant of people from outside Hull or what goes on outside of the city. I've travelled extensively before and I would describe the Hull population as very insular, they only seem interested in things that directly concern them. I have met some very friendly down to earth working class folk who have welcomed me, children of trawlermen funnily enough, but on the whole I hav felt like a complete alien here, and in general felt unwelcomed by the locals to say the least. Lastly, I just cannot click with anyone from this city that I have met, I've got a "see everything & try everything once" attitude to life where I value my education second to none, everyone I sem to meet in this place cannot understand this, they almost seem to think its strange that someone should not stay all there life where they were born.

2/. Crime. I've lived in 3 student houses and everyone of them got broken into, 2 of them whilst I was inside the house, and the police could not have been more useless when called. Theres a huge drugs problem in the city and of all the antisocial crime I've seen this place tops the bill. I think the problem here is the sheer scale of youth unemployment which there dosent seem to be an answer to.

3/. Employment. I've worked all over the country from rtail to engineering to social care, I've alays found work even in the worst employment blackspots and always enjoyed and worked hard at what I did. Then I came to Hull, first problem I found was that job interviews here tend to have been decided before you go to them its a very chrony and nepotist city in terms of finding work as garunteed the mananager will pick an interviewee who has a relative working for him already which is very common in Hull. My experience of managers in Hull was negative, I found them to be complete thugs, very manipultive of their staff and very ignorant, the most unefficient workers and buisinesses I have ever seen are all in Hull I'm afraid.

4/. The weather, the winds always blowing in your face no matter which way you are facing, and god it's so bloody enoying.

I will not be coming back here when I leave, and have learned a lesson in coming here, that of not assuming I can fit in with a population that are demographically and physically isolated. It's a real shame, Hull is still a major port, and I think the coucil who are known for being one of the most corrupt in the country have ruined the feel of the city with all the retail centres spread around. I feel this place could be something if only the council and the people within it were to look outside for ideas and actually show an interest in what happens outside of this strange and quirky isolated little corner of the country

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Did you hate black people?

No it is not ok to hate blacks, they didn't do anything to you so why should you hate it? imagine if you were black and everyone hated you and you had no friends?! so no it is not okay!

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Sin is the answer to your question. We are different but not better than anyone else. It is not wrong to want to be separate from people you are different from. But you can't be in God's will and hate anyone!

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The Ottoman hate the Europeans for a few reasons. The main reason on why they hate the Europeans is because of the fighting.

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Please see the Related Questions linked to below.Why do people hate the Jews?Why did the Nazis hate the JewsWhy do some Christians hate Jews?Why do some Muslims hate Jews?

Why has anti-semitism persisted?

As a general rule people who hate a particular race, religion or creed do so because of fear or ignorance. It is also encouraged by people with an agenda against that group, using propaganda, half truths and lies. Hatred also underlies much violence in the world. If people stopped exerting so much energy toward hating people who are different, they might just have the energy to rebuild this world to be a happier place. The reasons for Jewish hatred have remained unabated. To see some of these reasons, check out the Related Question: Why do people hate the Jews?

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