People went on pilgrimages in medieval times for various reasons including religious devotion, seeking forgiveness for sins, seeking physical or spiritual healing, and fulfilling a vow or promise. Pilgrimages were seen as a way to strengthen one's faith, show devotion to God, and seek spiritual growth. They were also a form of social and cultural exploration, as pilgrims would often visit holy sites and interact with fellow travelers.
because it is a religious duty...... they must go at least once a year....
it went in ditches or holes in the ground that's one of the reason's medieval times had a lot of pollution, bacteria
the rich would go out for dances and party in their rich clothes and drinking wine or beer .^ .^ :)
They went on pilgrimages to make sure that God would send them to heaven instead of hell.
The renewal of the land, gratitude for having lived thru what might have been a bad winter.
the main reason they went on pilgrimages is to build their relationship with god
Medieval pilgrims were people who went on journeys or trips to distant places of religious importance. Such trips were called pilgrimages and people who go on a pilgrimage are called pilgrims.
During medieval times, rich and poor people did go on pilgrimages to the same holy sites, such as Jerusalem or Santiago de Compostela. However, rich pilgrims could afford better accommodations and services along the way, while poor pilgrims often relied on charity and stayed in less comfortable conditions.
People go on pilgrimages to go to a new place where they can freely practice their desired religion without and consequences.
People still go on pilgrimages, such as Hindus and the Muslims.
There is no pilgrimage in modern Judaism.
Catholics are not required to go on pilgrimages to any of the various holy sites throughout the world. Some Catholics never go, others may go on pilgrimages quite frequently.
To honor the site of Becket's death.
a mass movement of people who go on a journey somewhere and tell people stories
In the medieval era there was something called a debtors prison. This was a prison where people would usually go if failing or refusing to pay off their debts
they want to see what things were like in bible times and what they were like
people go on pilgrims so that their sins would be forgiven. if you want to read a poem about pilgrims then I suggest The Canterbury Tales!