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Discrimination of Jewish people is baseless and is not only practised by Americans but by people across the world in general. During World War 2, the fanatical misanthrope, Adolph Hitler managed to convince Germany, Austria and their allies that the Jewish people were the cause of the world's poor economy. Under threats of retribution, he also forced many other countries to "give up the Jews" and rid the world of them. During their long history stretching back over 2000 years, the Jewish people have always been an industrious and hard-working people such that they were seen to be possessed of wealth. Eventually, the Nazis also added many other groups of people to their discrimination list: Jewish sympathisers, Roman Catholics, political opposition, homosexuals and the Romany (Gypsies).

Many religious groups especially the Roman Catholics, were encouraged to look upon the Jewish people as "the murders of Jesus Christ" in that they convinced Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus. As a former Roman Catholic, I can say that the Church, in days gone by encouraged their faithful in this belief. There are also other fundamentalist religious groups including the notorius Ku Klux Klan and Neo Nazis who still believe in the extermination of the Jews. Discrimination of any group of people including the Jewish people, for any religious or cultural reason is totally abhorrent.

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13y ago

Traditionally because they formed a well-educated class in every country they inhabited, and went on to make good doctors, lawyers, bankers and Accountants.

Others felt inferior and got jealous.


Traditionally, they were despised for their poverty, for example in eastern Europe), so it's not that simple.

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11y ago

Many people dislike Jews because they are very wealthy and privileged. Often, many Jews like to make their wealth well known to those that do not have the same financial advantages. This causes bitterness and anger. Many times, a Jewish person will feel superior to those that are not Jewish.

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12y ago

America is traditionally a Protestant Christian nation. Those who are not Protestant Christians (including Mormons, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and others) often find themselves discriminated against simply because they are not Protestant Christians.

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Why do whites discriminate against other races?

i think all races discriminate against each other it is not just white people. when you say white people you say it as a whole as in everyone that is white hates every other race... that is not true. blacks discriminate... Chinese discriminate... Mexican discriminate... it isn't just white people... it is what you choose to see it as.

Why do other countries fight with the Jews?

Other countries fight with Jews because they are not like the Nazis and the other countries don't discriminate people but some countries still disseminate people because of their race and/or religion and/or their sexuality

How did some New Deal Programs discriminate against African Americans?

Programs like the CCC preferred white people over African Americans

What were clash of cultures in U.S in 1920s?

They were different problems, and conflicts that went on in the different countries that originally went on that when the people came to the United States all the cultures clashed. Problems that went on between different nations continued when the people moved on to our country. EX: Say a German hated Jew's. and that German moved on to live in the USA. and Jews lived in the USA. The German would discriminate against the Jews culture. Therefore A CLASH OF CULTURE.

How did discrimination against Jews begin?

Jews have been discriminated against in virtually every country they have ever lived in. Sometimes it was blatant (as in permission to kill Jews) other times it was more subtle. Recently - in the PC (politically correct) era - it has become impolite to openly discriminate against the Jews. However, open any newspaper and see how Israel is discriminated against when it tries to defend itself against its sworn enemies.

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i think all races discriminate against each other it is not just white people. when you say white people you say it as a whole as in everyone that is white hates every other race... that is not true. blacks discriminate... Chinese discriminate... Mexican discriminate... it isn't just white people... it is what you choose to see it as.

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people with drug addictaions are discrimanated against because the majority of the addicts a theifes or dirty ! NOT ALL OF THEM THO !