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Adding onions to a food to make the food taste good is a matter of personal preference. Onions help with the digestion of the person eating the food, though.

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Q: Why do people add onions to makes other food taste good?
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Related questions

What in the onion makes it have a strong taste?

Onions have a high acid content and this makes them strong in flavor and makes you cry when cutting them.

Does cheese taste better than onions?

Yes it does, onions tend to taste disgusting and make people sick. Cheese is very good for you and your pizza wouldn't be plain tomato sauce, it would have cheese.

What do pickled onions taste like?

they taste like apple

Why should onions not be stored in a small refrigerator?

The smell will permeate the other foods in the refrigerator, also altering how the other foods will taste.

What different colored onions are there?

Common colored onions include red onions, yellow onions, and white onions. Red onions have a deep purple outer skin and a mild sweet flavor, yellow onions have a golden brown skin and a pungent flavor, and white onions have a light yellow skin and a milder taste compared to the other varieties.

What is a food that taste so so but taste fanstatic fried?

potato, onions, fish,

Why are onions bitter?

Onions may have developed a bitter taste to act as a deterrent for any possible predators.

Why do we hate onions?

This is because your taste buds may not agree and say this it yummy to your brain. Also, since we must smell to taste, and onions give off a chemical (this is why they make us cry), so maybe your taste sorting part of your mind doesn't agree with this. Do you notice that you cry often when chopping onions. I however enjoy sweet onions. You friend,

Why are onions so horrible tasting?

this depends on your tasebuds. Some people LOVE onions raw or cooked the same goes for any other kind of food, maybe what you really love others may hate the taste of it. Thank goodness for our differences otherwise this would be a dull world.

What do chives taste like?

Chives taste similar to green onions but are much milder.

Why broccoli taste good?

it tastes good to you because it has things in it that a plant makes during photosynthesis. however, it may not taste as good to other people because it doesnt have the same effect on everyones taste buds.

What is the function of spring onions?

to make things taste better.