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Q: Why do mud houses with thatched roofs keep cool in winter?
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Why do mud houses with thatched roofs keep the house cool in summers and warm in winter?

Mud has high thermal mass properties, meaning it can absorb and release heat slowly. Thatched roofs provide insulation, keeping heat out in summer and trapping heat inside in winter. Together, these materials help regulate the temperature inside the house, keeping it cool in summer and warm in winter.

Why do the mud houses with thatched roofs keep cool in summer and warm in winter?

The insulating effect of the thatch prevents heat getting in very quickly (cool in summer) and heat getting out very quickly (warm in winter)

Why is a thatched cottage warm in winter and cool in summer?

The reason for this is because it is not a good insulator of heat and it looks butters this is the truth. Therefore dont BLOODY BUY A THATCHED COTTAGE

What is the dwelling of the Opata tribe?

The dwelling of the Opata tribe consisted of the thatched huts and small houses made of adobe and zacate with thatched roofs. During warm, dry seasons, semi-subterranean dwelling known as a huuki were also used. ( In addition huukis were used as sweat logs, and small ones were constructed for the purpose of storing legumes to keep them cool and fresh longer).

How do houses in rajasthan able to withstand the hot summer?

because the houses have thick walls and flat roofs. thick walls keep inside the house cool and flat roofs help to sleep outside

Why do houses in the desert have light colored roofs?

Houses in the desert often have light colored roofs because they reflect sunlight and heat better than dark colored roofs. This helps to keep the house cooler by reducing heat absorption, making it more energy efficient and comfortable inside.

Why did the hopi live in this home?

Because the pueblos were warm in winter and cool in summer. They had two houses, cool house, and ,warmhouse.

How do you make an energy efficent home?

Loft insulationInsulted roofs so keeps the house warm in winter and cool in summer.Thick curtain's.Panel placed on the roof.

What were some pros about living in the Great Plains?

There were sod houses, which kept you warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

What were semerians houses like?

Sumerian houses were typically made of mud bricks, with flat roofs and multiple rooms arranged around a central courtyard. The houses were usually two stories high and had small windows to keep the interiors cool. Wealthier Sumerians had larger houses with more elaborate decorations and amenities.

What did houses in uruk look like?

Houses in Uruk were typically made of mud brick, with flat roofs and multiple rooms arranged around a central courtyard. The houses were often two or more stories high and were built close to each other, forming interconnected neighborhoods. Many houses had small windows and doorways to keep the interior cool in the hot Mesopotamian climate.

Why the houses in Rajasthan have flat roofs?

Because of the harsh weather in rajasthan thick walls prevent the house from being too heated during summer and also keep the house warm during cold winters. Houses have flat roofs because Rajasthan receives very less rainfall so there no use in having slanting roofs and also they help to retain water to keep the house cool...!!