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Many historians discourage the use of the term because it creates an inaccurate impression of the conditions of the time.

To many people, the term "dark" implies chaos, ignorance, or despair. But within the so-called Dark Ages, there was significant cultural achievement. This clearly happened at times in the Byzantine Empire and during the periods in the West known as the Carolingian Renaissance and the Ottonian Renaissance, but it was not limited to these. The use of the term "dark" tends to focus our attention on the most negative aspects of the period, obscure important facts, and promote misunderstanding. It is probably better to call the time the Early Middle Ages.

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Dark Ages is "ok" but Middle Ages is better

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It is used.

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Q: Why do most historians prefer not to use the term dark ages?
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Is it true or false that from 1100-750 bc the Greeks went through a difficult period of time called the Dark Age?

The period from 1100 to 750 BC in Greece is called the Greek Dark Ages, but since there were other periods in other places also called Dark Ages, it is a good idea to be careful about how the name is used. It is probably best not to use the term "the Dark Ages" to apply to the Greek Dark Ages, because most people who use the term without qualification mean Western Europe during the period of 476 to 1000 AD. It is also a term that has fallen out of use among historians.

What pope was at the beginning of the dark ages?

The dates historians use for the beginning of the Dark Ages vary a good deal, from about 400 AD, or even earlier, to about 500 AD, or even later. The most commonly used date is 476, and during the time of Pope Simplicius. Possibly the best known pope of the time was Pope Leo I, who was pope from 440 to 461, and convinced Atilla the Hun to leave Italy.

What time period came after the middle ages?

The usual definition of the middle ages places it after the age of antiquity or ancient times. The date for beginning of the middle ages is variously placed at different years in the fifth century, perhaps with 476 being the most often used. There is a definition of the middle ages that places it as being after the dark ages, beginning the dark ages in the fifth century and the middle ages in the year 1000. Some historians regard this naming as old fashioned.

What did Europeans of the Dark Ages make cloth from?

During the Dark Ages, or Early Middle Ages, most European cloth was either wool or linen. Cloth was also made from cotton and silk, though these were really only worn by wealthy people as for most Europeans they were imports.

Was feudalism associated with the dark ages?

Yes, feudalism was practiced during the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages lasted from about 476 to 1000 AD, a period also called the Early Middle Ages. The most widely held definition of feudalism has it being established around the time of Charlemagne, who reigned as king of the Franks from 768 to 814. It lasted until the end of the Middle Ages in some parts of Europe.

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Were the benadictine monks the most popular in the dark ages?

The term "Dark Ages" is no longer used among historians; the period is today known as the Saxon/Viking era.During this time the Benedictine Order was the only order of monks in western Europe, so popular or not, that's all there was.

Is it true or false that from 1100-750 bc the Greeks went through a difficult period of time called the Dark Age?

The period from 1100 to 750 BC in Greece is called the Greek Dark Ages, but since there were other periods in other places also called Dark Ages, it is a good idea to be careful about how the name is used. It is probably best not to use the term "the Dark Ages" to apply to the Greek Dark Ages, because most people who use the term without qualification mean Western Europe during the period of 476 to 1000 AD. It is also a term that has fallen out of use among historians.

What was the era before the dark ages?

The Renaissance time period came after the Dark Ages. ----- It seems most people who use the term Dark Ages are talking about the Early Middle Ages, which is a period from about 450 AD to 1000 AD. They call the following period the Middle Ages. Some people would have the Dark Ages coincide with the Age of Migration, from about 300 to 700, and this would mean it was followed by the second half of the Early Middle Ages, which began with a time called the Carolingian Renaissance. Other people would have the Dark Ages be equal to the entire Middle Ages, so it would be followed by the European Renaissance. I think most historians do not use the term Dark Ages.

When did dark age occur?

The Dark Ages occurred from 614 to 911. It is also most known as the Early Middles Ages or the Medieval Period.

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dark ages

What is the time in history also known as the middle ages?

Historians vary when assigning dates to various points in history. In 476 A.D. the western branch of the Roman Empire ceased to exist. Some historians use the term Middle Ages to refer to the time period between that point and the next major dated point in history, the Reformation. The Reformation occurred in 1517 A.D. Consensus does not exist but the term Middle Ages most commonly refers to that period of time. In the past the Dark ages began in 476 A.D. and the Middle Ages about 800 and the Reformation about 1200.

What was after the dark ages?

What came after the Dark Ages was the Carolingian Renaissance, the High Middle Ages, or the European Renaissance, depending on your point of view. It seems most who use the term date it from about 450 to 1000 AD. Some give precise dates in 476 to 1066 AD. I have seen the term Dark Ages used to refer to the Age of Migrations, about 300 AD to 700 AD. There was a collapse in learning in the Roman Empire during the time of about 230 AD, and the Carolingian Renaissance began shortly after 700 AD, so this might be a better time to call the Dark Ages. Some historians call the Dark Ages equal to the Middle Ages, but the people of the Middle Ages used the term to refer to an earlier time in the Middle Ages. Also, the period of the Middle Ages after about 700 AD included several times of advanced intellectual activity, so this usage seems wrong in some ways.

When did middle age starts?

Probably the best answer is that the Middle Ages started in the 5th century. To pick a specific year, it might be best to choose 476 AD. There are very different answers to this question. Some historians have regarded the Middle Ages as a period after the Dark Ages. These people would give dates of 1000 AD or 1066 AD as the beginning of the Middle Ages. I think most historians would make the Middle Ages a period of about 1000 years from the 5th century to the 15th. They replace the term Dark Ages with Early Middle Ages. Some of these people simply say the Middle Ages started in the 5th century with a process that lasted many decades and cannot be dated. Others provide specific dates of specific events. I have seen dates ranging from the late 4th century to the early 6th century, but 476 is by far the one I see most often.

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Does society insist on living in the Dark Ages?

Not really. Most of the world has moved on from the dark ages. You might want to be more specific as to which society you are referencing as there are quite a few in the world.