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When you have an opening like a door or window they leak, are drafty, and don't fit well in the building materials used in this time. Also in some places people were taxed for each window. This was done in Ireland for many years. Just trying to stay dry and warm was a challenge let alone have a lot of windows that added to the areas where they would get a draft or two. Just wasn't worth it to have big windows or a lot of them.

MoreGlass was too expensive for many people to use, so a lot of windows were left unglazed and could only be closed with shutters.

Windows in castles were narrow and tall so the archers could get protection while they shot out through them.

Some windows, such as those in medieval kitchens, were very large and left unglazed for ventilation. They had no chimneys until the 12th century, and then most people could not afford them.

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14y ago

I think you refer to the long narrow slits usually built into the walls of the towers,if so may I point out they are not windows. They are specially designed vantage points for archers standing on the tower steps right against that slot and get clean shots down on the enemy.If your army is the attacker and one of your archers could shoot an arrow up and in through that slit, he would certainly be one of your best team players.

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12y ago

yes it did have windows

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