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Q: Why do many Americans have two identities?
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Are all Indians called native Americans?

Collectively, yes, they are called Native Americans. Though, quite rightly, the many tribes retain their tribal names and tribal identities.

What is an transgender disease? Identity Disorder is currently being fought as a term. It's an incorrect description of transpeople. Being Transgender is not a disease. It's also not a disorder. Transgender people are people whose gender identities do not match society's normative identities attached to their biological bodies. That's trans* There are many gender identities including, but not limited to: masculine, feminine, two-spirit (ethnically specific-Native Americans only), genderqueer, agender, etc.

What is the relationship between boundaries and people's identities?

Boundaries are based on identities, not the other way around. Two people have two identities and as they form a relationship, they form boundaries to guide how their two identities relate to each other. If the boundaries are imposed upon the two people, it's like being forced to wear clothes that don't fit but if the two people are allowed to form their own boundaries with each other, then the fit is very comfortable. Boundaries prevent codependency, enmeshment and other unhealthy relationships by allowing the two identities to connect comfortably.

What is the definition of double identity?

Someone who has two identities

Why are Mexicans ashamed of their true identities?

They aren't. Most probably you are talking about Mexican-Americans or people from Mexican descent.

What were negative effects on Native Americans of their alliance with the europeans?

the first nations lost their culture,languages,identities,and land. they also became ruled and became servants

How many americans are artists?

About two million Americans describe their primary occupation as artist.

What is the identities of the two unknown elements given to you?

They are called "Freddy" and "Charles".

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What has the author Peter X Feng written?

Peter X. Feng has written: 'Identities in motion' -- subject(s): Asian Americans in motion pictures, Asian Americans in the motion picture industry

What is identities IN BLAST?

Identities in BLAST represent the percentage of identical amino acids or nucleotides between two sequences when comparing them. It is a measure of how similar the sequences are at a specific position.

Is there any use besides food for the brain for Trig identities such as professions which use them?

Trig identities are vital in upper level math. Anything involving the unit circle or triangles is completely based in the trig identities. Trig is used in many other fields, such as architecture, where the identities play a huge role.