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because it felt like it

brutus was a close friend to caesar, and could provide valuble information and incite on caesar. he was also a high official, and easily coruptable

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Q: Why do conspirators want Brutus on their side?
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Why does Cassius want Brutus to join the conspiracyto?

B. "As a greatly respected Roman, Brutus will bring credibility to the conspiracy."The conspirators wanted as many powerful men on their side as they could get, in the hopes of convincing the people that killing Caesar was for the better.

Which triumvirate members fought against Brutus and the conspirators?

The triumvirate members who fought against Brutus and the conspirators were Octavian and Marc Antony.

Who was the leader of the conspirators?

Cassius then brutus

Once Brutus had joined the conspirators Could he turn back?

He couldn't turn back because the conspirators would not be able to go on without him & Brutus did not want that, he was afraid of a Rome with tyranny & did not want Caesar to make this into what Rome would become. If Brutus were to back out he could be turned in for betrayal against Caesar even if it was short lived.

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Who does Brutus tell the conspirators not to kill?


Why does brutus want to swear an oath with the conspirators?

Because he seems to think everyone there is loyal and there is no use for them to swear an oath

What advice does Brutus give the conspirators as they leave his house?

As the conspirators depart, Brutus suggests that they try to behave like actors and hide their true feelings and intentions.

Who was Brutus and Casius's?

Brutus and Cassius were two of the ringleaders of the group of conspirators who murdered Caesar.

What point does he make Antony spoke against Brutus and the conspirators?

That Brutus "is a honourable man".

What distinction does Antony make between Brutus and the conspirators?

He calls Brutus "an honorable man" distinguishing him as someone who has proper motives while the other conspirators may be wicked

Who visits Brutus after the crowd of conspirators leaves?
