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The Native Americans could adapt to this biome the easiest.

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Q: Why do Native Americans live in the Deciduous forest?
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Do platypuses live in the deciduous forest?

No. The platypus does not live in the deciduous forest. Platypuses are native to Australia, and are most commonly found in native bushland, tropical rainforest or cool temperate rainforest - none of which are deciduous.

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The platypus does not live in the deciduous forest. Platypuses are native to Australia, and are most commonly found in native bushland and rainforest, neither of which are deciduous. Therefore, they do not affect the ecosystem an area where they do not live.

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Who live traditional lives in the forest?

Native Americans Apex!

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Fried Chicken, mashed potato and cornbread combo

Do wolves live in the deciduous forest?

No they prefer wide open places

Why do porcupines live in the deciduous forest?

Not all porcupines live in deciduous forests. There are around 24 different species of porcupine ranging from Asia, Africa, America and Europe, and their habitat can be deserts, grassland or forests of any type.

What are some of the biotics in a deciduous forest?

Some biotics in the deciduous forest are the animals that live there

Who discovered deciduous forest?

Well the deciduous forest is where we live as so its basically found by people or explorers

What is the deers biome?

They live in the Temperate Deciduous Forest.

Do fox live in a deciduous forest or coniferous forest?


Why did native Americans live there lives different?

The native Americans lived their lives different because they respected nature and felt a special connection to the forest.