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It's mostly fear of the unknown, but there ARE racist Jews.

Now, to add a similarly formatted question: Why do Christians hate blacks, and why do Irish hate women?

Most Jews do not hate Blacks. On the contrary. Jews openly marched with Blacks petitioning for Civil Rights. Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the leaders of Conservative Judaism, marched with Dr. King on numerous occasions. Jews often saw a kinship between themselves and Blacks in that they were both repressed and brutalized by White Society for a very long period.

In fact, Black hatred of Judaism is far more common than Jewish hatred of Blacks. Numerous Black Israelite Churches specifically allege that Jews are the spawn of Satan and numerous other more colorful terms. There are other Black Churchgoers who toe the Christian line that Jews are hell-bound, which while being a step up from demonic spawn, is still a form of hatred or derision.

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Q: Why do Jews hate Blacks?
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Why did some African Americans hate Jews in the 20th century?

Prejudiced Blacks exist, just like prejudiced Jews exist.

Why did blacks hate Jews?

they don't. probably a minority do. I know some black jewish people. There are some Blacks who hate Jews, usually as a result of the teachings of Nation of Islam (which is a distinct religion from Sunni or Shiite Islam) or because of the teachings of certain sects of Baptist Christianity. Both of these particular religions teach that Jews are demonic. Other Blacks who hate Jews come from Black Israelite Churches who see Jews as imposters and themselves as the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Finally, some Blacks associate Jews with the White Elite in the United States and other countries that have traditionally kept Blacks in a position of inferiority. While there certainly were Jews in support of racist institutions, Jews have supported African-Americans through the Civil Rights Movement and have actively worked together with African-American communities as a fellow minority in America.

Why do some Jews hate other Jews?

Answer 1Jews are not supposed to hate anyone, but there are some Jews that only tolerate people like themselves.Answer 2There are also ...-- Conservative Jews who hate Orthodox Jews-- Reform Jews who hate Conservative Jews-- Muslims who hate all Jews-- Christians who hate all Muslims and Jews-- Catholics who hate all Protestants-- Muslims who hate all Baha'i-- Atheists who hate all believers-- Women who hate men-- Republicans who hate Democrats-- Turks who hate Greeks-- French who hate Germans-- Creationists who hate all Evolutionists-- Little kids who hate teachers-- Black people who hate whites-- White people who hate blacks-- Texans who hate Hispanics-- Drivers who hate bicycle riders-- Southerners who hate northernersand last but not least-- Methodists who hate Baptists.A lot more for inquiring minds to wonder at than simply Jews.And now that I look back on the question one more time as it fades into the sunset ...Where does the first contributor get his essential thesis: "Jews are not supposed to hate anyone." ? What does this mean ? That everyone else gets a pass for their hatred but Jews alone must answer for theirs ? Does that mean that the one who said "Love one another as I have loved you" was only speaking from his Jewish roots, but once he made the jump, he was free to leave all that behind and to enjoy hatred without guilt ?

Do Mexicans and blacks hate each other?


Who was at the bottom of Hitlers racial list?

Blacks & Jews.

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Why did some African Americans hate Jews in the 20th century?

Prejudiced Blacks exist, just like prejudiced Jews exist.

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Why did blacks hate Jews?

they don't. probably a minority do. I know some black jewish people. There are some Blacks who hate Jews, usually as a result of the teachings of Nation of Islam (which is a distinct religion from Sunni or Shiite Islam) or because of the teachings of certain sects of Baptist Christianity. Both of these particular religions teach that Jews are demonic. Other Blacks who hate Jews come from Black Israelite Churches who see Jews as imposters and themselves as the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Finally, some Blacks associate Jews with the White Elite in the United States and other countries that have traditionally kept Blacks in a position of inferiority. While there certainly were Jews in support of racist institutions, Jews have supported African-Americans through the Civil Rights Movement and have actively worked together with African-American communities as a fellow minority in America.

Do Arabs hate Black Jews?

Most Arabs do not hate Blacks or Jews nor Jews who are Black. However, there are minorities who do. Specifically, I am unaware of any Arab who hates Black Jews in any special way. There is racism against Blacks in the Arab World, especially Christian Blacks and especially in Sudan. There is also widespread Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism in the Arab World. Certainly the two could be merged, but I have not seen it.

Why do some Jews hate other Jews?

Answer 1Jews are not supposed to hate anyone, but there are some Jews that only tolerate people like themselves.Answer 2There are also ...-- Conservative Jews who hate Orthodox Jews-- Reform Jews who hate Conservative Jews-- Muslims who hate all Jews-- Christians who hate all Muslims and Jews-- Catholics who hate all Protestants-- Muslims who hate all Baha'i-- Atheists who hate all believers-- Women who hate men-- Republicans who hate Democrats-- Turks who hate Greeks-- French who hate Germans-- Creationists who hate all Evolutionists-- Little kids who hate teachers-- Black people who hate whites-- White people who hate blacks-- Texans who hate Hispanics-- Drivers who hate bicycle riders-- Southerners who hate northernersand last but not least-- Methodists who hate Baptists.A lot more for inquiring minds to wonder at than simply Jews.And now that I look back on the question one more time as it fades into the sunset ...Where does the first contributor get his essential thesis: "Jews are not supposed to hate anyone." ? What does this mean ? That everyone else gets a pass for their hatred but Jews alone must answer for theirs ? Does that mean that the one who said "Love one another as I have loved you" was only speaking from his Jewish roots, but once he made the jump, he was free to leave all that behind and to enjoy hatred without guilt ?

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There are racist Jews and Jews that don't know Jews come in all colors.

Do Jews hate name Sophia?

No, Jews do not hate the name Sophia. There are many Jews with that name.

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Shylock did not hate Jews. Shylock was a Jew.

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The Jews were the target of Hitler's hate campaign.