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the influence of U.S. entertainment and news sources

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  • the influence of U.S. entertainment and news sources

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Q: Why do Canadians typically know more about U.S. culture than Americans know about Canadian culture?
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Why do Canadians typically know more about US culture than Americans know about Canadian cuture?

Most countries know more about the US than Americans know about them - Americans are remarkably ignorant when it comes to other cultures and world history. Our educational system lags behind most of the other countries for some reason.

What is the difference between Canadian and moroccan culture?

Canadians have the religion Christianity while morroccan have a religion Islam

What are the main cultures in canada?

The main cultures are Asian, Canadian and French-Canadian. Less than 20% of Canadians say their culture is Canadian, few have deep roots in the land.

Why was the cbc founded?

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) was founded in 1936 to provide a national broadcasting service for Canadians and to promote Canadian culture and identity. It was established as a public broadcaster to ensure that Canadians had access to news, information, and entertainment programs that were reflective of their country.

Why is ice hockey such a big part in Canada's culture?

All canadians voted for ice hockey to be the canadian national sport

How was the US and Canada border achieved?

Canada was founded by Americans actually that were sympathetic to England, who didn't want independence. To this day, "being Canadian" essentially means to be an American in denial of his true culture. That is why Canadians still have trouble identifying what it means to be Canadian. Very silly, of course, and sad to those of us born here in Canada who know and accept that we are essentially Americans but without any of the benefits of U.S. citizenship. The border should be erased, however Canadians are too silly and proud to ever allow such a liberating thing to happen.

What does Canadian television tell us about Canadian culture?

Canadian TV (as in Canadian production) tells us that we are rightfully in a cultural war of self identification with respect to Manifest Destiny. By the way, being the generous people we are, Canadians have no problem, in principle, to U.S. desires to become part of Canada.

How have immigrants influenced Canadian culture?

There is no such thing as a "Canadian" culture anymore than there is a single Global Culture. Canada is a Confederation of many Nations, each with many peoples and cultures. Some of those cultures date back thousands of years, some hundreds and most just a few decades. Most Canadians have very shallow family roots in Canada with 38% not being born in Canada or having at least one parent not born in Canada. With that in mind "Immigrants" are Canadian culture, just as they are Global Culture. BTW in Canada "Immigrants" are considered First Generation and their children Second Generation. This is different than most countries because once a person becomes Canadian they get all the rights and benefits, sometimes even more, than those whose families have been in Canada for hundreds of years. Also those whose families have been here for hundreds of years do not force their culture on others, not even their children. Multi-Generational Canadians have a very live and let live culture and think it is wrong to force others to change their culture. Of course this is not the case for all Multi-Generational Canadian cultures as there are some who have made laws that force their language and culture on new comers. Aside from that minority most Canadians respect other cultures and do not force their culture, or even share their culture as much as others. It is the main quality of Canadians that people like. People who come to Canada have, generally speaking, kept their culture.

How does Mexico influence Canadian culture?

It doesn't. There is a saying, that Canadians could have had the three best cultural traits in the world: the American technology, the french Cuisine and the English culture. However, it has resulted for the worst: Canada has the American culture, the English cuisine and the French technology.

What is the cultural significance of basketball?

The rise of basketball is culturally significant because of how it reflects race relations in American culture. It is also very popular in urban areas.

What contributions did the Chinese make to the Canadian society?

Chinese immigrants have made significant contributions to Canadian society in various fields such as cuisine, culture, technology, and economy. They have enriched Canadian culture through their traditions, festivals, and arts and have also played a crucial role in shaping the Canadian economy through their entrepreneurship and investments. Furthermore, Chinese Canadians have contributed to the diversity and vibrancy of Canadian society by promoting understanding and appreciation of different cultures.