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Answer 1

It is not true that Asians hate Muslims. There may be some who hate Muslims but it doesn't apply to all Asians.

Answer 2

Asians make up over half of the entire world and a substantial minority of Asians (nearly a billion people) are Muslims. Asia is the most diverse continents in the world where even next-door neighbors are culturally unrelated, such as Burma and Bangladesh or Indonesia and East Timor. Please make your question more specific to a group of Asians for a useful answer.

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Q: Why do Asian people hate Muslims?
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Why do Arabs and Muslims hate each other?

Arabs and Muslims do not hate each other. Most Arabs are Muslims.

Why do some Jews hate other Jews?

Answer 1Jews are not supposed to hate anyone, but there are some Jews that only tolerate people like themselves.Answer 2There are also ...-- Conservative Jews who hate Orthodox Jews-- Reform Jews who hate Conservative Jews-- Muslims who hate all Jews-- Christians who hate all Muslims and Jews-- Catholics who hate all Protestants-- Muslims who hate all Baha'i-- Atheists who hate all believers-- Women who hate men-- Republicans who hate Democrats-- Turks who hate Greeks-- French who hate Germans-- Creationists who hate all Evolutionists-- Little kids who hate teachers-- Black people who hate whites-- White people who hate blacks-- Texans who hate Hispanics-- Drivers who hate bicycle riders-- Southerners who hate northernersand last but not least-- Methodists who hate Baptists.A lot more for inquiring minds to wonder at than simply Jews.And now that I look back on the question one more time as it fades into the sunset ...Where does the first contributor get his essential thesis: "Jews are not supposed to hate anyone." ? What does this mean ? That everyone else gets a pass for their hatred but Jews alone must answer for theirs ? Does that mean that the one who said "Love one another as I have loved you" was only speaking from his Jewish roots, but once he made the jump, he was free to leave all that behind and to enjoy hatred without guilt ?

Why do Jews hate Muslims How do Muslims view Jews?

There are two questions here. Please see the Related Questions below to read the answers of both questions.How do Muslims view Jews?Why do some Jews hate Muslims?

Why were Jewish people so strongly hated by the Nazi regime and why do so many people still dislike them?

Please see the Related Questions linked to below.Why do people hate the Jews?Why did the Nazis hate the JewsWhy do some Christians hate Jews?Why do some Muslims hate Jews?

Who are the people that are involved?

Christans , Jews, Muslims, Non Muslims

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Why do so many people hate Muslims?

because of there religion!!!

Who hate Asian people?

Some racist or ignorant people probably do, but we aren't going to provide their names to promote their hate.

Does Miley Cyrus hates Asian people?

yes she does! i hate her though.

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It is not true that Muslims hate the UK. Many Muslims live in UK in harmony and good relations with the UK people. Muslims may hate some of the policies of the UK politicians when their policies are directed against Islam religion or against their country native interests and independence.

Why does Osama bin Laden hate Muslims?

He didn't hate Muslims, he was a Muslim.

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Arabs and Muslims do not hate each other. Most Arabs are Muslims.

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You are referring to two different groups of people. Some Muslims hate Christians. They kill them all over the world and then celebrate it. Other Muslims would never dream of killing anyone. Those are the Muslims who say they do not hate Christians - because they don't.

Who distributed the Asian goods to north Europeans?

The Muslims.

Why do all Americans hate Muslims?

We don't all hate them. Some people hate Muslims because of their religion extremists. Such extremists are classified as terrorists and disrupt our peaceful way of life. When really it's just the religion we don't like because it's telling them our way of living isn't right. I could say some people hate Muslims or most if you added everyone that DIED in 9-11.

Why is that not all but most of the West hate Asians specially Muslims?

Most people in the West do not hate Asians or Muslims. The people that do hate Asians usually think Asians are inferior to Europeans. Some people think Asians or Africans or Arabs or Hispanics are "less American" than European-Americans. Some people in the west associate Islam with Jihad linked terrorist groups such as Al Queda. Once again some think that Islam is not American. However, In general, Europeans and Americans don't hate Asians or Muslims.

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Hatred is against all God religions including Islam.