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The German Enigma Code, which they thought was uncrackable, was deciphered by British cryptologists at Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire near the modern town of Milton Keynes.

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What computer cracked German codes?

The Expert answer is wrong, Enigma messages were cracked using electromechanical Bombe machines.The computer Colossus cracked the German "Fish" codesthat the German High Command used.

Who cracked the Enigma code during World War 2?

The Polish Cipher Bureau were the first to break Germany's military Enigma ciphers .

When did Alan turing invented enigma machine?

Alan Turing didn't invent Enigma you complete inbacile. He cracked the code that the Germans were sending with the Enigma machine once. And it wasn't just his it was a whole team of people.

What happened to bletchly park in World War 2?

The secret German enigma code was cracked and decoded which helped the allies to win World War II

What language was successfully used as a code during world war 2 by Americans?

The Americans used the Navajo Code and other codes. The Britons used Ultra. The Germans used the Enigma code. Unknown the name of the Japanese code.

Why did they use the enigma machine in world war 2?

Arthur Scherbius invented the Enigma machine, filing his first patent in 1918. Its original intended use was for secure business communication.In the late 1920s the German military ordered two differently modified versions of Enigma machines for the Navy and Army that were intended to be more secure than the standard commercial Enigma machines.

What is the name of the German code?

The Enigma code

Who invented ww2 code breaking machine-enigma?

enigma was the German code making machine not code breaking ultra was the code breaking machine

What is 'el código Enigma' when translated from Spanish to English?

El código Enigma in Spanish is "the Enigma code" in English.

What was the name of the German code-making machine in ww2?

It was called the Enigma.

What is a good sentence for the word enigma?

Enigma: An seemingly unbreakable code that originated in WWII when the German's used it for communication. It now means just that - a difficult code to decipher or a mystery. "His body language baffled me, I couldn't figure it out - He was a walking enigma."