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The Cowley works at Oxford were a legitimate target for the Germans because of the amount of war production going on there. And the adjoining airfield, (now partly covered by the Blackbird Leys estate), was the biggest aircraft repair centre in Britain's war effort. Aerial photos taken by the Luftwaffe have been found, so they had it in their sights, but it seems they just never got round to it. Bigger fish to fry? Hands full in the east?

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Q: Why didnt oxford city get bombed in the blitz?
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What city was not bombed in the Blitz?

Los Angeles, California.

What was the most bombed city during the blitz?

London by far.

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Why was Manchester bombed in WW2?

The Manchester Blitz is sometimes known as the Christmas Blitz. The city of Manchester was heavily bombed by the German Nazi Luftwaffe. As an important inland port and industrial center, it was considered a primary target. The heaviest raids occurred in December, 1940 when 684 people were killed and another 2,364 were injured.

Which city had Hitler earmarked as his capital of England after conquest?

Oxford, which the Germans never bombed. Hitler was supposed to admire all the colleges there.

How did the blitz start?

The Blitz started as part of the invasion of Poland. On September 25th, 1939, Germany terror bombed the city of Warsaw, Poland. Historically, this was the first 'blitz' air raid upon a civilian population, with an estimated 1150 bombing sorties made by the Luftwaffe, dropping approx 500 tons of explosives and 72 tons of incendiaries in the Warsaw Blitz.

Who first started the blitz?

On September 25th, 1939, Germany terror bombed the city of Warsaw, Poland. Historically, this was the first 'blitz' air raid upon a civilian population, with an estimated 1150 bombing sorties made by the Luftwaffe, dropping approx 500 tons of explosives and 72 tons of incendiaries in the Warsaw Blitz. So, in answer to your question, Germany started the Blitz

In 1941 which city was the target of the nazi blitz?

London was still the main target but most of the bigger provincial cities were still attacked frequently. Portsmouth was severely bombed in January 1941.

Is Oxford a city or a town?

Oxford is a city in England.

When did the blitz end and what city did it end in?

The 'blitz' largely happened in London.

What city was bombed?

Many, many cities were bombed. Hiroshima

Which was the most bombed city after London during World War in the UK?

The most bombed town in Scotland was Peterhead, in the North-East. This was due to the fact that it held captured German U-Boats, Home to R.A.F. Buchan and was vital in the British ship-building industry.