

Best Answer

They would be killed.

The answer above is incorrect. This question as posed is unanswerable. There were many times in history when Jews could emigrate or did emigrate in contravention to the existing law and other times when such emigration was impossible. By not specifying a time and a place, this question is unanswerable.

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Q: Why didn't the process of emigration work for Jews?
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What was life like for the Jews when they were in a concentration camp?

It was hard for the Jews.They were forced to work and forced to wear stripy pyjamas and sleep together in grotty rooms they didnt know what was going to happen

Describe screening process for concentration camps?

When train loads of Jews arrived at Auschwitz, SS doctors 'selected' able-bodied Jews for work - and the old, the young and visibly pregnant women were sent straight off to be gassed.

What did the Jews do when Hitler put them to work?

They worked, and if they weren't well or strong enough to work, they were killed with the rest of the Jews who were killed.

Did the Jews have to work for the Nazis?


This was the process of dividing the Jews at the concentration Camps?

The word is selection. Some Jews were selected for work, the rest were sent to the gas chambers. This could only happen (on a large scale) at camps that were both extermination camps and labour camps, namely Auschwitz and Majdanek.

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Why didn't the process of emigration (leaving Germany) work or he Jews?

All the jews had to go to the death camps...

Does Walt Disney hate Jews?

No he didnt. Who ever thought this was true is a F-ing dumba$$. He didnt freeze himself didnt hate Jews or blacks or anyone! he was cremated and buried. Lung cancer was his killer. F-ing dumbA$$e$

What was life like for the Jews when they were in a concentration camp?

It was hard for the Jews.They were forced to work and forced to wear stripy pyjamas and sleep together in grotty rooms they didnt know what was going to happen

Why did gentlemen not work in Jamestown?

they didnt work becuz they felt that people lower than them had to do their work for them. they wanted gold but they didnt want to look for it themselves.

What has the author Vere Foster written?

Vere Foster has written: 'Work and wages, or, The penny emigrant's guide to the United States and Canada' -- subject(s): Emigration and immigration, Documentation pour immigrants, Canadian immigration literature, Emigration et immigration 'Work and wages, or, The penny emigrant's guide to the United States and Canada' -- subject(s): Emigration and immigration, Canadian immigration literature

Can Jews work on a Saturday?

Saturday is the Sabbath in Judaism. Orthodox (and some non-orthodox) Jews will not work. Many non-Orthodox Jews will work, but still remember the Sabbath day in their own ways. (And yes, there are some Orthodox Jews that work on Saturdays, but they do not advertise this fact).

What was done in concentraion camps?

the Nazi took the Jews to the camps. If the Jews where to old or young to work they would kill them by burning or shooting just because Hitler didn't like Jews. the Jews who work were work to death or hang.

Describe screening process for concentration camps?

When train loads of Jews arrived at Auschwitz, SS doctors 'selected' able-bodied Jews for work - and the old, the young and visibly pregnant women were sent straight off to be gassed.

In Chelmno where did the Jews work?

Chelmno was an extermination camp. The aim was to gas Jews within 24 hours of arrival, so the question of work did not arise. (A very small number of new arrivals were 'selected' to help with the extermination process, mainly by digging mass graves and dragging corpses around).

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