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The Romans did not use aluminium for weapons because they did not know it was a metal. Even if they had known, aluminium they would not have used it to make weapoun because it is too soft this.

Aluminium was identified as a metal only in 1808. This is because aluminium never occurs in metallic or natural forms in nature. The main source of aluminium is bauxite, a heterogeneous material which ranges from clay through to soft rock and can be white, pink, yellow, red or brown, or various combinations of these colours. It is composed mainly of one or more hydroxides of aluminium (50-60 %) and various mixtures of silicon, oxides of iron, titanium, and varying small percentages of clay and other silicates.

Bauxite first appeared in history around the fifth century B.C. when the Egyptians and the Greeks used it as an astringent for dressing wounds and to fix dyes in textiles. This use as such continued until the Middle Ages. By the thirteenth century, some purification of aluminium was occurring and by the seventeenth century, it was being separated from the clays in which it was found. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, there was a suspicion that alumina had a metallic base which could probably be isolated. This was confirmed by the Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier in 1787.

Producing aluminium is not easy. In 1808, Sir Humphrey Davy, attempted to isolate the metal using electrolysis, but managed only to produce aluminium alloyed with iron. The first small amount of aluminium were created in 1825 Hans Christian Oersted, and in 1827 by Friedrich Wöhler. The same time Robert Wilhelm von Bunsen, demonstrated that aluminium could be purified using electrolysis. The basis for the modern aluminium industry was established in 1886.

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Q: Why didn't the Romans use aluminum as weapons?
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Why did Romans use weapons?

The Romans used weapons to fight and win their opponent. Romans had at least two weapons on them at the same time just to be safe. :)

What did the conquerors of Egypt have that gave them an advantage over the Egyptians?

The conquerors of Egypt had an advantage of Romans because of their weapons.

What weapons did the Romans use?

swords, axes, catapults, archers, trebuchets, box shields, and lances, though ther are others. By the way u spelled weapons wrong.

What type of weapons did the Muslims use in the third crusade?

they didnt really use weapons likw sords and knifes and all that but they actually used hope and god was on their side witch heped them won even though their were little people on their side

Did the poor Romans have butter?

No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.

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Why did Romans use weapons?

The Romans used weapons to fight and win their opponent. Romans had at least two weapons on them at the same time just to be safe. :)

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The conquerors of Egypt had an advantage of Romans because of their weapons.

Why didn't the Romans use aluminum?

Aluminium was unknown to the Romans as they did not have the technology to produce it. --------------------------------------------------- You can not smelt aluminium or in a furnace, the process requires electricity. The Romans did not have electricity and therefore the metal aluminium was unknown to them

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What weapons did the Romans use?

swords, axes, catapults, archers, trebuchets, box shields, and lances, though ther are others. By the way u spelled weapons wrong.

What type of weapons did the Muslims use in the third crusade?

they didnt really use weapons likw sords and knifes and all that but they actually used hope and god was on their side witch heped them won even though their were little people on their side

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What made the roman weapons powerfuler than other armys?

The Romans used their technology to make their weapons more powerful and they also trained people to use them. For example the basic weapon the "gladius" or sword was used as a thrusting weapon rather than a hacking one. This method of use made the gladius a much more effective weapon than the long slashing type swords used by their enemies. The Romans also made use of various long range weapons such as the scorpion, the onager and various other types of ballistic weapons. Most of their enemies did not have the technology to transport and used these types of weapons.The Romans used their technology to make their weapons more powerful and they also trained people to use them. For example the basic weapon the "gladius" or sword was used as a thrusting weapon rather than a hacking one. This method of use made the gladius a much more effective weapon than the long slashing type swords used by their enemies. The Romans also made use of various long range weapons such as the scorpion, the onager and various other types of ballistic weapons. Most of their enemies did not have the technology to transport and used these types of weapons.The Romans used their technology to make their weapons more powerful and they also trained people to use them. For example the basic weapon the "gladius" or sword was used as a thrusting weapon rather than a hacking one. This method of use made the gladius a much more effective weapon than the long slashing type swords used by their enemies. The Romans also made use of various long range weapons such as the scorpion, the onager and various other types of ballistic weapons. Most of their enemies did not have the technology to transport and used these types of weapons.The Romans used their technology to make their weapons more powerful and they also trained people to use them. For example the basic weapon the "gladius" or sword was used as a thrusting weapon rather than a hacking one. This method of use made the gladius a much more effective weapon than the long slashing type swords used by their enemies. The Romans also made use of various long range weapons such as the scorpion, the onager and various other types of ballistic weapons. Most of their enemies did not have the technology to transport and used these types of weapons.The Romans used their technology to make their weapons more powerful and they also trained people to use them. For example the basic weapon the "gladius" or sword was used as a thrusting weapon rather than a hacking one. This method of use made the gladius a much more effective weapon than the long slashing type swords used by their enemies. The Romans also made use of various long range weapons such as the scorpion, the onager and various other types of ballistic weapons. Most of their enemies did not have the technology to transport and used these types of weapons.The Romans used their technology to make their weapons more powerful and they also trained people to use them. For example the basic weapon the "gladius" or sword was used as a thrusting weapon rather than a hacking one. This method of use made the gladius a much more effective weapon than the long slashing type swords used by their enemies. The Romans also made use of various long range weapons such as the scorpion, the onager and various other types of ballistic weapons. Most of their enemies did not have the technology to transport and used these types of weapons.The Romans used their technology to make their weapons more powerful and they also trained people to use them. For example the basic weapon the "gladius" or sword was used as a thrusting weapon rather than a hacking one. This method of use made the gladius a much more effective weapon than the long slashing type swords used by their enemies. The Romans also made use of various long range weapons such as the scorpion, the onager and various other types of ballistic weapons. Most of their enemies did not have the technology to transport and used these types of weapons.The Romans used their technology to make their weapons more powerful and they also trained people to use them. For example the basic weapon the "gladius" or sword was used as a thrusting weapon rather than a hacking one. This method of use made the gladius a much more effective weapon than the long slashing type swords used by their enemies. The Romans also made use of various long range weapons such as the scorpion, the onager and various other types of ballistic weapons. Most of their enemies did not have the technology to transport and used these types of weapons.The Romans used their technology to make their weapons more powerful and they also trained people to use them. For example the basic weapon the "gladius" or sword was used as a thrusting weapon rather than a hacking one. This method of use made the gladius a much more effective weapon than the long slashing type swords used by their enemies. The Romans also made use of various long range weapons such as the scorpion, the onager and various other types of ballistic weapons. Most of their enemies did not have the technology to transport and used these types of weapons.

How many weapons did the Romans use?

Sufficient to equip their legions. There grew up a large iron industry in Northern Italy to supply the legions.

Why did the Romans use the daggers?

The Romans used daggers because they were the small weapons of the time. For example, a soldier had his gladius, (sword) comparable to a rifle, and he had his pugio, (dagger) comparable to a pistol or sidearm. Civilians used daggers for the same reasons that people today use handguns.

Did the poor Romans have butter?

No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.