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Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti was Iraq's Fifth President from 1979 until 2003. (Note: al-Tikriti is his last name, not Hussein, which is his father's name, so it is proper to refer to Saddam Hussein as Saddam or al-Tikriti, but not Hussein.) He distinguished himself as a cunning totalitarian monster who ruled Iraq through iron-fisted laws, domestic militancy, and mass persecution of minorities. This is not unlike totalitarian monsters in other countries, who ruled similarly. (like Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic or Argentina's Juan Perón). It is this violence and totalitarianism that made Saddam Hussein virulently disliked.

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Q: Why didn't Iraqis like Saddam Hussein?
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How did terrorism in Iraq start?

America made the dictator Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq. without America he wouldn't have been the president. Lots of countries started to attack Iraq, like Saudi Arabia etc. Saddam on his first day of being president, he killed his best and close friends and did as if he was crying about them (he, the idiot forgot that he decided to do so). Then killed the husbands of his daugthers, then started to kill everyone that he hates especially shia iraqis and kurd iraqis. until he made us go out of Iraq, living far away from our families

Who was the leader of Iraq during the Gulf War?

Ultimately found like a trapped rat in a hole in the ground, the late brutal dictator Saddam Hussein had been the fifth President of Iraq, "serving" from July 16, 1979 to April 9, 2003. The Gulf War ran from August 2, 1990 to February 28, 1991. He was executed by hanging on December 30, 2006.See the related Wikipedia link(s) listed below for more information:

What percent of vote did Saddan Hussein receive in election?

Like most "elected" authoritarian leaders, Saddam Hussein consistently "won" over 80% of the vote, sometimes as high as 98%. It is worth noting that he was the only candidate on the ballot.

Why did you want to remove Saddam Hussein from power?

George W. Bush wanted to finish "Daddy's war" and look good to those pulling the strings behind the power in Washington. There was no real reason to finish Saddam Hussein off, he was a strongman in the Middle East and the United States and other powers understood that style of leadership and as long as things remained "stable" in the Middle East all was good. "W" did it by lying about the dangers which Saddam posed to stability, particularly about weapons of mass destruction (nukes). He lied to the people of the US and the world. We bought his lies and invaded. This is not to say Saddam was a good guy, he wasn't, but there are a lot of leaders just like him in the Middle East and we can work with them because they keep things good enough for the United States to pursue their interests in the world. Sorry for giving such a cynical answer, but it is the truth.

What historical events happened December 2003?

Please, allow me to answer such an unintelligent question with another: Do you know how to use Google? Make some effort to do some thinking and research before posting questions like this. For example a cursory search revealed a significant event that may answer your question: Saddam Hussein was captured on December 13th, 2003.

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Does Saddam Hussein like music?

He does like rap especially.

Did Saddam Hussein like led zeppelin?

No, that is a myth spread by Led Zeppelin haters. Saddam Hussein never listened to Led Zeppelin.

How did terrorism in Iraq start?

America made the dictator Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq. without America he wouldn't have been the president. Lots of countries started to attack Iraq, like Saudi Arabia etc. Saddam on his first day of being president, he killed his best and close friends and did as if he was crying about them (he, the idiot forgot that he decided to do so). Then killed the husbands of his daugthers, then started to kill everyone that he hates especially shia iraqis and kurd iraqis. until he made us go out of Iraq, living far away from our families

Why did members of congress vote for military action in the persian gulf?

Because they didn't like Saddam Hussein.

What two religious or ethnic groups were kept down by Saddam Hussein's dictatorship?

The Kurds (an ethnic group) and the Shiite Arabs (a religious group) were the most prominent of Saddam Hussein's ethnic/religious adversaries, but many smaller groups like the Marsh Arabs, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Turcomans (Iraqi Turkmen), the Jews, the Yazidis, Catholics, etc. were also targeted by Saddam Hussein.

Who was the leader of Iraq during the Gulf War?

Ultimately found like a trapped rat in a hole in the ground, the late brutal dictator Saddam Hussein had been the fifth President of Iraq, "serving" from July 16, 1979 to April 9, 2003. The Gulf War ran from August 2, 1990 to February 28, 1991. He was executed by hanging on December 30, 2006.See the related Wikipedia link(s) listed below for more information:

How were the Kurds treated when Saddam Hussein was the leader of Iraq?

Saddam Husein treated his national people terribly. He kept them poor, uneducated and unexposed to the global environment. He would annihilate anyone he felt like killing, even his own family members. He was oppressive and mean. Thousands of of people lost their family members due to his murderous streak. Some people were killed and buried secretly. Many Iraqis have never known what happened to their family members.

What percent of vote did Saddan Hussein receive in election?

Like most "elected" authoritarian leaders, Saddam Hussein consistently "won" over 80% of the vote, sometimes as high as 98%. It is worth noting that he was the only candidate on the ballot.

What was Saddam Hussein's personality like?

His personality differs from a very kinda and loving man who was happy to a very cruel and powerful leader who was in constant fear of enemies.

Why did Barack Obama get the middle name Hussein Who is he named after or for Or did his parents just like the sound of the name?

Hussein is a name of Arabic origin, with the meanings "good" or "handsome one", and is a Royal name in the kingdom of Jordan. It is a common surname in Arabic nations. The name has derived negative connotations mainly from its connection to Saddam Hussein (1937-2006), the deposed and executed dictator of Iraq.

Was Saddam Hussein cooperating with Al-Qaeda during the Iraq war?

Saddam Hussein was actually ideologically opposed to everything Al-Qaeda stood for. He never desired or cared for religion, let alone religious politics or Islamism. Saddam Hussein was an ardent Nationalist Secularist and opposed the Internationalist Islamist agenda of Al-Qaeda. Both are notably violent philosophies and both are in the Islamic World, but that is where the similarity ends. Both people/organizations had a fundamentally different view of the world and therefore were not aligned. He did not like the idea of having to give control to small cells that he could not control directly, and he did not like the idea of directly antagonizing the West. (Many of the things he did antagonized the West, but he did not do those things desiring confrontation.) Saddam Hussein's goal was regional supremacy and had no interest in the worldwide regime change advocated by Al-Qaeda. The only reason a relationship developed between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda after the start of the war is that it quickly became clear that the Iraqi Army could not hold back the American Army and that a guerilla war would be the only viable resistance to foreign occupation. Since Al-Qaeda excels at that type of warfare, he extended an invitation for them to come in, but this occurred only AFTER the Iraq War began.

Who is someone like Hitler?

There is no greater evil than Hitler himslef but there are many people who say he can be compared for example, Saddam Hussein and one otme not too long ago the NY Public School system!