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Bulgaria was not the only ally of Nazi Germany that didn't hand its Jews over to the Nazis. Others that refused were: * Italy (while still independent) * Finland These countries were not willing to hand over their own citizens to be slaughtered. Bulgaria wobbled a bit initially, but the government was encouraged by the future Pope John XXIII to stand firm on this issue. By contrast, Romania and Croatia conducted their own holocausts with great zeal.

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Q: Why didn't Bulgaria deport its Jews to concentration camps even though it was a German ally?
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Did the US go into Germany and find the Holocaust?

yes and no. they went to Germany and came across concentration camps on luck. the holocaust was an event not a thing you can find. the German citizens may have been aware of this and told us soldiers though.

What was the first Concentration Camp to be built in the Holocaust?

Buchenwald, though initially it was called Ettersberg (for a couple of weeks or so).

How do you say top secret in German?

Though I'm not German, I just learned it in school, I believe the translation would be: Strenges Geheimnis ..

What were the hospitals in the concentration camps called?

'hospitals' usually, though most often no healing took place in them.

What conflict caused concentration camps during World War 2?

No conflict caused concentration camps during WWII. Nazi Concentration Camps pre-dated WWII, though when Germany too over more territories they built more camps.

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Unless you have a parent or another person that wants custody of you in another country, no.

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Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, the German Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire made up the Central Powers faction during the First World War, all though they surrendered on different dates between September 29th (Bulgaria) and November 11th (Germany).

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None all german homes was searched ferally. If jews was caught, they be immediantly arrested and sent to the concentration camps without a trial

Why is Bulgaria francophone country?

Basically not. Though many speak French (especially of older educated persons)

Can explain what a Nazi was?

A Nazi is a member of the political group during WW2, "The Nazi Party" in which was German and led by Adolf Hitler, Dictator of Germany during the war. Note that not all Germans during the time period were Nazi's, for example some German Jews were sent to concentration camps for being Jewish, by Nazi's, even though they were German.

What mountain range runs though the centre of Bulgaria?

The Stara planina mountain (Стара планина)

How do you say though in German?

obwohl is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

Have the winter Olympics been held in Bulgaria?

Yes you can. I cannot name the resorts though I have friends who have done it. They have the odd custom of charging per lift.

Is lafee German or Brazilian?

She is definatly german. (she's greek too though)

Did the US go into Germany and find the Holocaust?

yes and no. they went to Germany and came across concentration camps on luck. the holocaust was an event not a thing you can find. the German citizens may have been aware of this and told us soldiers though.

How do you spell Jordan in German?

Jordan, of course, though a German would probably pronounce that "your-dan".

What does Hayden mean in German?

Hayden means nothing in German. Hyaden means Hyades though.