Because some things are worth fighting for. If they didn't make that sacrifice the world as we know it wouldn't exist. And when we needed more men we drafted them. That may seem wrong but it had to happen, we would have lost ww2 without it.
young men felt patriotic about the war. This meant that they had a positive attitude about it and were eager to serve their country.
There was a huge rush of patriotic fervor when the war broke out. It was expected that young men would join up.
All the Young Men was created in 1960.
when must all men register for selective service
Yes, young men fight in all wars
young men felt patriotic about the war. This meant that they had a positive attitude about it and were eager to serve their country.
During WW I many young men reacted by enlisting in the army, out of a patriotic desire to help win the war.
they are hard fighters and loyal patriotic men and women they are hard fighters and loyal patriotic men and women
There was a huge rush of patriotic fervor when the war broke out. It was expected that young men would join up.
* If you are steady dating then no, you shouldn't have crushes towards other young men. If you feel you want to play the field then you should be honest with your boyfriend and break your relationship off so you can date other young men. If in doubt, take a walk in his shoes!
Going to Canada.
Patriotic fervour.
i believe its true because old men can be young cause they believe , they feel they are young therefore, they are young. but some younger men feel older and therefore he becomes older. if you are a young guy, but you are always stressed, then that means you will get wrinkles earlier. if you are older but you are always happy, energetic and optimistic, then your health will be good
At the moment, no, but I am sure there are handsome young men in her future.
Kollwitz's son, Peter, volunteered for military service during World War I and was killed in action. His actions reflect the patriotic fervor and sense of duty that many young men in various countries felt during times of war. Similar to young men in other countries, he was influenced by societal expectations, nationalistic propaganda, and a desire to serve his country.
four-minute men
The theme of "The Call" by Jessie Pope is patriotic fervor and the glorification of war. The poem urges young men to enlist in the military and paints a romanticized image of war as a noble and heroic endeavor.