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The Persian Gulf War was the first major international crisis to take place after the cold war (1947-89; an unarmed political conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union regarding the spread of communism). The war was the result of Iraqi troops invading neighboring Kuwait and threatening the world's oil supply. The six-week Gulf War introduced a new dimension in modern warfare: the confrontation was telecast around the world from start to finish, beginning in February 1991 and ending the following April. In the war the United Nations (an international peace-keeping force) effectively organized a coalition against Iraq. Leading members of the coalition included Egypt, France, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and the United States. The Gulf War also tested the ability of the United States and Russia to cooperate in world affairs.

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The US was involved in all 3 Persian Gulf Wars of the 20th and 21st centuries.

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persian Gulf War also called Gulf War, (1990-91) international conflict was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990

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The Gulf War was a conflict with the United Nations, led by the United States and the United Kingdom, because Iraq had invaded Kuwait. The United Nations were trying to return Kuwait to it's own government.

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Canadians did not participate in the Iraq-Iran War (1980-1988); US Forces patrolled the Persian Gulf during that conflict, to keep the Gulf open.

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Dmitriy Persin's birth name is Dmitriy Evgenevich Persin.

Could the Persian Gulf war have been prevented?

Any conflict can be avoided, if the leaders want to avoid it.

What was gulf war?

The Gulf War was a conflict between Iraq and a coalition force led by the United States to liberate Kuwait. It took place from 2 August 1990 until 28 February 1991.