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IN 1917, The Virgin Mary appeared to 3 children praying in Portugal. Many think this is a hoax. The communist government in Portugal did the best they could to cover this miracle up.

The Blessed Virgin Mary said to the children that if the world does not repent, a great chastisement will occur worse than WWI. This is why sin destroys the world.

WWII was a chastisement. Sin destroys us.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

It started on the 1st of September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.

That is the official start of the war in Europe but we can also trace different roots to the war.

Some historians would say that the war was started by the Japanese in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria and then expanded with the Japanese becoming more aggressive in China in 1937.

Also Italy's expansion into Ethiopia in 1938 could be called the beginning of the war.

In the United States the war officially starts on Dec. 7, 1941 with the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Germany and Italy then declare war on the USA on Dec. 11, 1941. (Although we were fighting the Germans on the Atlantic Ocean because of the Lend Lease Act before this.)

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โˆ™ 12y ago

In the past 60 years or so fans of military history, political history and general history have been treated to dozens of books and films about this very subject. While the reasons for World War II are rather complex, the general feeling is that this major world conflict began because of the ambitions of one man.

Adolf Hitler was a dynamic speaker who found an outlet for his ideas in the frustrated and angry people of Germany. Between 1918 and 1938 this country struggled under strict limitations set at the end of World War I. Germany was on the defeated side in that war and suffered economically and socially for 20 years after the fighting stopped.

This was one of the major factors in Hitler's push to give Germany room to grow. The term often used was "lebensraum" (room to live). Hitler played on the emotions of the citizens, many of whom had friends and family members living in areas that were not under the control of the German state. At first, some of this room to live was acquired without a fight. Austria and Czechoslovakia came under German control in the last two years of the 1930s. There was no military resistance from the victorious British, French or others who had come out of the first war in much better shape than Germany.

Because Hitler found it rather easy to move into these two countries he felt he could repeat the process in other locations. The British and French didn't want to risk another war by interfering at first, but there came a time when they could no longer stand aside as the German army moved in several directions. German soldiers moved into Poland, using not only troops on foot but also bombing raids that created massive destruction.

These were the basic political and military reasons for the start of World War II. Eventually, Hitler's actions pushed Britain and France into war. Germany was soon aided by the Soviet Union and Italy, whose leaders also had designs far beyond their own borders. Political unrest in Japan and China, as well as in parts of Southeast Asia, led to military action in that region as well. The United States was soon to enter the battle, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941.

When looking for reasons why World War II started, it is wise to go back further than the mid-1930s and Hitler's move into surrounding countries. The changes that led to the second great war started in the early 1920s, as Hitler and those who worked with him sought to establish a new sort of world government that didn't include certain races and populations outside of Germany.

His efforts were helped considerably by the dissatisfaction that ran deep within the German people. Many had lost contact with relatives when Germany lost territory after World War I. The country was in serious financial trouble and as poverty spread, the peoples' anger grew. As mentioned, the reasons for the start of World War II are complex. But Hitler found fertile "soil" among the population in which to plant the seeds of doubt and anger.

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