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A women named Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony started a program called the " National Woman Suffrage Association ". They fought for a very long time until finally on August 26th of the year 1920, the 19th amendment was signed by Bainbridge Colby, stating that women had the right to vote. Bainbridge Colby was the Seretary of State.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

word got out for how women were being treated in the jail and the president had to fix everything before his people started to rebel

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βˆ™ 10y ago

why not? #YOLO

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Q: Why did women won the right to vote in 1920 after earlier efforts had failed?
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by the end of the 19th century,reform efforts resulted in a constitutional amendment to allow women the right to vote

What results did each strategy produce on the women's right to vote?

What results did each strategy produce? a. Women were granted voting rights in Wyoming in 1869, Utah, Colorado, and Idaho, but after 1896, all of their efforts in other states failed. b. Congress ruled in 1875 that women were citizens, but then denied that being a citizen automatically gave you the right to vote. c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton managed to have the amendment introduced in California, but it was later killed. Women were unsuccessful for the next 41 years.

What is the equal right amendement?

It was a failed US amendment that would have guaranteed equal rights to both men and women.

Who fought for women's right to vote?

A group of women called Sufferagetes! they started protesting before the war started but had to stop and help in the war. when the war ended the men were pleased with the womens efforts and gave them the right to vote!

When was women's suffrage granted in turkey?

Yes, women in Turkey had right to vote since 1930 for the local elections, for national elections, they started to vote 1934. Women in Turkey had right to vote earlier than in Spain, Portugal, France and Switzerland.

What results did each strategy products?

What results did each strategy produce? a. Women were granted voting rights in Wyoming in 1869, Utah, Colorado, and Idaho, but after 1896, all of their efforts in other states failed. b. Congress ruled in 1875 that women were citizens, but then denied that being a citizen automatically gave you the right to vote. c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton managed to have the amendment introduced in California, but it was later killed. Women were unsuccessful for the next 41 years.

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Thermography is used to detect breast cancer in women. It helps with earlier detection and prevention. It is a lifesaver for women. Doctors are saying that this is the best breast test there is out there as of right now.

Why do you think so few women demanded changes in the way they were treated?

Women were treated very bad and ha no right so for all their hardworking efforts they demanded to be treated just like men

Were women only allowed to vote because of the efforts during the war?

No. There are a variety of other reasons such as equal rights, the idea of democracy, and human dignity that support this right.